Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Joyce from This Side of the Pond has a new neme and I loved her questions so thought I would join in.  If you want to see how people answered check out Joyce and Mary.
1. What is the most amazing weather you've ever seen?

I actually have two....the first would have to be the ice storm we had here in Alabama in the early 80's.  Although dangerous the trees were gorgeous coated with a thick layer of ice.  The second was when Kathryn was 8.  We were in Washington D.C. for Spring Break and woke up to see 14 inches of snow on the ground.  It was glorious.  The picture above is a snow bank we came upon on the Blue Ridge Parkway when we were heading home.  The kids were amazed!
2. What is a sound or noise you love?  Children, especially babies, laughing.
3. Do you like seafood? What's your favorite seafood dish?  I adore seafood.  I was born and raised on the coast in South Florida.  I do not like raw has nothing to do with the taste is all about the texture...they remind me of snot.
4. What part of your day requires the most patience?  That would have to be from 8:00-3:14. That would be when I'm at work with all my munchkins. Even my lunch period can be a bit harried sometime.
5. What's your favorite shade of blue?
I am like Mary IS my favorite color. All shades. I don't have a favorite shade of blue! I love them all.
6. Do people underestimate you?  People don't usually....I underestimate myself most of the time.
7. When was the last time you had butterflies in your stomach?  When I sang at a big church thing in Roanoke.
8. Insert your own random thought here, and remember...I have a wooden spoon and I'm not afraid to use it.  What irks me the most?  The sound of bickering....whether it be adults or students.....I hate it AND people on facebook ragging each other about their favorite football teams....obviously this only happens in the South.  I don't mind you rooting for your team...but can we leave the negative comments alone....griefus....this is as bad as bickering.


Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I can so relate to your answer for #6. ;-)

I'm glad I found your blog.


Joyce said...

I had oysters straight out of the water on board a little dory when we were in Prince Edward Island last year. I think you are kinda right in the texture but I do love them!

Thena said...

I so agree with you about the football comments. It's just like the men yelling at the tv. They can't hear them. lol

Love Bears All Things said...

I don't go on Facebook very often, mostly to see what is going on with my Texas 'grands' and I haven't seen what you're describing but I wouldn't like it, I'm sure..I hear enough of that as it is....I've been using a hairdresser here that my friend uses since I've moved from Memphis..I've been to her a total of 3 times...She is a huge BAMA fan. I don't know if you are or not. My family are Auburn fans...that's where my husband and daughter went to school..well, this girl said to me early in the season: All ya'll have is that quarterback..if he gets hurt, its all over for Auburn..Its enough to make me want to go to someone else...why can't we all just get along and agree to disagree.
Mama Bear

Mimi said...

I don't understand the whole oyster thing. I sucked down a few in Savannah, but never again. I agree, snot!

Hugs & love,

Mary said...

You know what else bothers me? People at work talking about other people. I have to work with ALL of the teachers, so I don't need hear people speaking ill of each other.

Queenie Jeannie said...

I love seafood too!! And agree about the oysters - blech!