
Friday, July 19, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Belong

It is Friday and that means it is time for 5 Minute Friday.  I love this day and look forward to it every week because it is a time when I sit for five minutes and just write about whatever comes to my mind about a given word.  The rules are easy and if you would like to participate this is what you do:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here to Lisa Jo's blog and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.. OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on the word:::

I belong to a big family.  I have 96 first cousins.  Belonging is important to me.  I love the sense of being a piece of a whole.  I began belonging to this family on April 15th, 1954.  I have children, grandchildren, and one precious little great grandchild.  I tell you what belonging to a family rocks.  I am blessed with a loving family.
I belong to Frank.  I love being his other (sometimes better) half.  I can exist without him but existing with him is so much more fun.  I love being part of his life and having him as part of mine.  He is so supportive and I hope that I am the same in return.
I belonged to the First United Methodist Church in West Palm Beach, Florida when I was growing up.  I loved my church.  It was a safe haven full of familiars.  I loved belonging to the choirs there, the Sunday School classes there, the Youth program there.  I belonged and to be honest was happier at church than I was anywhere else.  I have belonged to several churches since then.  I love belonging to a church.  Belonging to the Family of God is amazing no matter where you worship.
I belong to the Porch People.  This is a special group of folks we became a part of when we moved to Rock Mills.  I love each and every single one of them.  They took us in and made us feel like family.  They are like relatives from another mother.  Young and old they are an amazing group of people and I love them dearly.

I belong to the Class of 1972.  We graduated from Forest Hill High School together.  Some of us started Kindergarten together and went all the way to the Junior College together....belonging to each other....we were friends.  I love belonging to a group called friends.  Whether they are old friends from childhood or new friends right now.  Belonging to friends is a blessing.

I could be here for days sharing what belonging means to me, but I was only given five minutes.  I and now...and I love life.  Thank you God for letting me belong and having such a blessed life.  Can I get an amen?


  1. I'm still trying to wrap my head around you having over 90 first cousins. WOW! My mom came from a big, tight-knit family with some Southern ties, and it sounds like you've definitely found important places to belong. Visiting with Five Minute Friday, and wish you all the best today!

  2. I grew up at First United Methodist, too--very fond memories. I went to Forest Hill and graduated in 1970. I am trying to find out who you are since my brother and I were very involved with the youth group at the church. You can reach me at I hope to hear from you. In Christ,
    Larry Bergstrom

  3. My brother and I attended First UMC in WPB and were very involved in the youth group. I would love to find out who you are since we also went to Forest Hill. We have great memories of those days with Guy and Jeanie. Looking forward to hearing from you.
    In Christ, Larry Bergstrom


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