
Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Heat and The Rain

Glenda and I went to see The Heat on Friday night in D'Irberville, MS.  I love Sandra Bullock films and had been really excited about seeing this film.  I did not read any of the review because I wanted to review it on my own.  The theater we went too was nasty.  There was popcorn all over the floor, the bathrooms were bad, but I have been to worse...I think....I just can't remember when.  My first impression of the place had to do with the bathroom and the floors.  The second impression had to do with the snack counter when I was treated rudely by one of the employees.  I guess she did not like white haired old ladies.  When I was finally waited on....guess who waited on me....yep...the girl.  She did a complete 360.  Her fake smile was dripping with honey.....and she even told me when I paid for my 5.00 drink that the tip jar was on my side of the counter.  TIP?  Who was she kidding.  My tip would be, "Honey you need a job that does not deal with the public."  Needless to say...I did not tip her.  All she did was hand me a coke....period.  We went into the theater where the movie was going to be shown...and of course it was Friday night....monsooning outside....the place was packed.  We found seats and watched the previews.  I love previews...I find movies that I want to see that are coming out in November...and by then I have forgotten about them.  There is one with Jennifer Aniston I want to I wrote it down.  The movie began...and the first two minutes the audience was lambasted by a string of highly offensive words.  I am a PG-13 rater movie goer.  I rarely if ever go to one that is rated beyond that....but this movie was rated R...that does mean something.  In the theater with us were parents with their under 12 year olds....and I was embarrassed for them.  McCarthy uses quite a bit of foul language....Bullock does not....except in one scene.  The language was really not necessary.  The movie was good on it's own.  It was one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time....the language was my only negative....and let me tell is full of that.  Even though I teach high school and hear that language every day it is still a shocker.  Would I see it again or own it?  Probably not.  It does not have the purity that Hope Floats has.  It was one of those movies I would not want to watch with my parents.  My dad used to tell me that whatever you do in life imagine Jesus sitting right beside you.  If I had done that....I probably would have left the theater.  I didn't....I watched the movie...funny thing is....I turned on my rose colored selective hearing about 5 minutes into the movie and chose to block out the language.  After I did that I loved the movie.  If you do not like adult language, are highly offended by it, and don't have rose colored selective hearing then this movie is not for you.  I am going to see the Lone Ranger on Monday...hope it fairs better in the language dept. 

1 comment:

  1. I am sad to hear that there is that much language in the movie because I thought it looked like it would be very funny....but I expected that with McCarthy. Makes me sad because I think she is a great actor but most of the things she does are crude.

    My husband didn't like the Lone Ranger and thought it was a waste of money.


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