Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Am Black Coffee - NOT!

I took a quiz today on what kind of coffee are you. I would venture to say it was wrong....I am not a huge coffee drinker. I drink it when I am in the mood, driving at night, or cold and then must lace it with whatever I can find to take the bitter taste away....YUCK! French Vanilla and Hazelnut are the creamers of choice.....BUT....according to the little quiz I took....I am black coffee because at my best, I am: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable. At my worst, I am: cheap and angsty. I drink coffee when: I can get my hands on it, My caffeine addiction level: high. That last part is probably true....I start my day with a cold diet coke....not a cup of coffee. I don't see me as Black Coffee....I see me as a Caramel Machiato....from Starbucks. LOL. So, taking a swig of coffee from my cup Bill Buchannon made me....I salute you all this morning. Have a great Sunday!

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