
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Football According to the Book of Job

Last week, due to the prospect of inclement weather we let school out at 1:30 and we reported back to school on Friday at 10. Fortunately...the weather did not behave exactly as the weather forcasters predicted....good for us. I would rather have been proactive here....than reactive....and because we came to school we do not have to make up any far. Anyways...the day we were dismissed early was the day of the National Championship Football game. Now, those of you who know me...know that I am not a big football fan. I love my Wildcats....Benjamin Russell ones that is....and pull for ALL teams in Alabama. I don't watch football....I don't attend any games...except high school ones....but my boss made me laugh last week. He is a HUGE Alabama fan....and when he came on the squawk box to tell us we were getting out early....he phrased it that...."in order to get ready for the big game we were dismissing school early....and we would come back late...because the game was going to be over so late....then he, all kidding aside the weather is the reason." Later in the day...he came up to a group of us....and told us that it was foretold in the bible that Alabama would win on Thursday night. Ok, I bit and said, "where?" He proceeded to tell me that in Job 1:15 (New International Version) plainly states: "and the Sabeans attacked and carried them off. They put the servants to the sword,..." I had to laugh and knew my preacher husband would get a kick out of this. It was expecially funny when Alabama won the National Championship. I watched every minute of the was a nail biter there for a while. I must say...I also watched Auburn in the Outback Bowl...and pulled for them...and Troy in the Bowl game they were in in Mobile against the Chippewa's. When Alabama teams win it is good for the state. Football in the south is a strange bird. I have never quite understood the complexity of the beast...but I will say gets ugly around here when the season begins...especially if one team has a better year than the other. I don't care which side of the fence you are on....there are always ugly supporters. It saddens me that even now...with Alabama the National Champions...some people just won't let it go. Whether you cry..."Roll Tide Roll", "War Eagle"...or "Go Trojans"...enjoy the moment...Alabama is in the a positive light and lookin' good!

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