
Saturday, January 16, 2010


I am a singer....and to a singer the worst possible nightmare one could have....before an upcoming performance is laryngitis. I woke up this morning with a lovely case of this dreaded I looked it up to see hwat it actually is and found out it is simply an inflammation of the voice box, or larynx, that causes your voice to become raspy or hoarse. The main symptom of laryngitis is hoarseness. Your voice may sound raspy, be deeper than normal, or break now and then. You may lose your voice completely. Other symptoms may include a dry or sore throat, coughing, and trouble swallowing. So here is my plight! I am supposed to sing at the Arbor tomorrow morning at 9:00 and at another church at 11:00. If any of you out there in blogger land have any homemade remedy ideas for me I would love to have them. I am not to proud to try anything once...or no matter how foul tasting...if it MIGHT improve my chances of getting my voice back. So, whatever any of your momma's made you drink, gargle with, rub on your chest....I am up for the challenge.


  1. No magic formula - just "rest & time". You'll have to be a spectator for a few days, rather than a performer. Not all bad.
    Hope you're better soon.

  2. This is the first time in forever that I've had a chance to sit and read blogs, so I've done some catching up. :)

    No help on the voice. I was hoping you were getting better.

    Enjoy your Monday off. See ya bright and early Tuesday. *sigh*

  3. Hope you feel better. LOTS of rest!

    Tales from Bloggeritaville


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