
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Plans Dashed - Sigh!

Kathryn called me last night, very sad. It broke my heart to hear the anguish in her voice...when I asked her what was wrong she told me she had just caught up on my blog..."Oh!" was all I could think to say. It occurred to me that all week my posts were a bit on the morbid side. so I thought last night I would write a happy one today. I thought I would write a lovely post about how wonderful my weekend was going to be. The key word here is WAS. You see,This week was my anniversary....and since there was not a free night to celebrate we thought we would do something special on Saturday. It was going to have to be early because I have a bowling board meeting at 5....that puts a crimp on Saturday night as a special night. Anyways, we were going to a scrapbooking session on Friday night from 6 - 12 at Rocky Creek Church and become scrapbook fiends....We were both looking forward to the weekend...and were so excited. I keep up with the Whistlestop Cafe blog and fun...something we have never done...this restaurant is the one in the Fannie Flagg book, Fried Green Tomatoes; It is famous! I emailed the specifics...and made the plans. Frank and I were both delighted about spending Saturday in B'ham. The best laid plans of mice and men....I got an email at work on Friday that postponed the scrapbooking session until next Friday biggie...but I should have known....the weekend was doomed. Frank got home about 5 with news that he had to work on Saturday. It seems it is the last day of deer hunting season and the other guy wanted to be off so he could go. Only in the South does deer hunting trump an anniversary. here I sit, with Frank at work, I COULD be cleaning house...but I don't want to. I COULD be scrapbooking...but I don't want to...I thought I would post...and let you in on how my weekend is going so far....LOL...I am not concerned...after all an just a date....we can celebrate it anytime....I am learning that lesson these days...Thanksgiving, Christmas, Anniversary...heck even a birthday is just on a day....a state of can party all year if you want to. So..with that said, rain pouring down outside (wouldn't have been fun in B'ham anyways), a little J.T.(James Taylor) on the stereo...if it were five o'clock...I would have a Margarita...and wish myself a Happy it is...I am in my p.j.'s, with a cold Diet Coke...blogging. Who would have it any other way! Happy Saturday to you all!


  1. Think snuggly! Besides, sounds like a great time to write a few chapters in that book.

  2. Postponed...not cancel. That sounds like a perfect plan.

    Supper at the cafe is always good. But, be sure and check. I thought the WhistleStop Cafe was closed on Saturdays. You know we sold it years ago, so I am not THE source on the day to day goings on. The food is still great.

  3. Yes -- I know about those plans that go wrong -- but hopefully your Anniversary will be celebrated soon with great joy. I was supposed to go to a wedding today -- my husband's cousin, but with about 12 inches of snow, I stayed home -- I'll bet this will be the wedding that will always be quite special to them, because of the great efforts they all went to to be there in the snow.

  4. Happy Anniversary Karen! and Frank ;). You will have to let me know how the cafe was... I had no idea it was in B'ham and now am dieing to go.


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