
Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday Visit with Momma

I could hardly wait for this morning to get here so I could do my post. It is funny after the last few months when I did not have any desire to I can't wait. Yesterday, we visited my mom at Adam's Nursing Home. We never know what to expect...somedays I am who I am....somedays...I am not sure who I am....and on many days...she talks to Frank and I....about Frank and I. Those days are the weird ones. I am not terribly comfortable...talking about myself in third person. Yesterday was a regular day. She carried on a good conversation, only asked once to be taken on errands, and when we left she continued to read the newspaper. There is another resident there whose name is Wilma. I think that is funny because Wilma is not a very common name...and yesterday we met the other Wilma's family. The four of us stood outside in the cold and discussed our Wilma' was kind of amusing to listen to their stories and tell ours. When we left I felt a strange sense of "all is well." No, it really isn't well...but, I am not alone in this stage of my life. True, I am an only child...but there are however many every single nursing home in the United States....families experiencing the same thing I some level. It was comforting to know that yesterday. In the Bible, Paul tells us: "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength but with your testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13). In layman's terms....that means "God will never give you more than you can handle." Knowing that...I put on my big girl panties and deal with it. I am Never alone...and when I think I can't handle God...picks up my load and carries it for me. Happy Monday out there in Blogger Land!


  1. Happy Monday and a great week to you. Thank you for brightening my day. I think we would do well to all put on our "big girl panties" more often!

  2. God bless Wilma.
    Glad the visit was good.
    And, glad you're blogging again...I was away for a while also. Good to be back.

  3. So happy for a good visit -- they are true gems among the sharp stones of dealing with dementia.


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