
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hands Speak Volumes

I am a real hand nut. I love to look at people's hands because I truly believe that hand's speak volumes. When my son, Eric, was little he got into some briars picking blackberries for me(to make a pie for him). His sweet little hands were all scratched and I had to pick a few briar remnants from them. Now he is a grown man. It is hard to believe that my son will be 40 in August. Now his hands still bear scars...scars of hard work. He is a maintainence man for a car part plant and is constantly scrapping his knuckles, or cutting himself...but I still love his sweet they are man hands...and show hard work. I love babies hands...they are so tiny...miniature adult hands...tender...not calloused...just sweet. They wrap themselves around your finger...and squeeze at your heart. Today, I was in Opelika seeing my sweet Jill's first baby. When I entered the room Jill asked me if I wanted to hold him. I never turn down a baby holding moment...I love their smell, their feel...everything about them...while I was holding this precious new creation...not even 24 hours old...his tiny little hand wrapped itself around my pinky finger...and I was a goner. So, I thought I would blog about hands today...and I was listening to Nickel Creek while I was trying to figure out just what I would say and their song, The Hand Song, came on. How perfect is that. It is a great song that says alot about hands. Hands, they are so soft and kind when congratulating us for something we have done right. These same comforting hands can also appear hard when discipling us. Baby hands, children hands, teen age hands, old people hands...Jesus hands....all tell us a story. Look at your hands...what do they have to say about you? My finger tips are calloused from playing guitar...I have an age spot or two that have suddenly appeared.(I thought only old people got those?)...hummm. I have scars from crazy things I did as a climbing Jim Gunnell's coconut tree to get a coconut down. What was I thinking. I have one or two from surgery. I have a long life line and big visible veins...that move around when the nurse tries to stick one of them. I have short, choppy, man hands...oh...and bite my nails a bit. I will never be a hand model...but my hands are expressive. My kids at school say if you were to tie my hands up I would be mute. Hands say a lot...and most of the time mine are on overload. Happy Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post Karen!!! I love the way you think...and write!


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