
Friday, March 26, 2010

Fly Like An Eagle

  I love eagles, falcons, hawks...all the magnificent birds.  I think they are the most majestic creature on the face of the earth.  I am amazed when I see one take flight.  They are awesome.  I discovered a verse from Isaiah several years ago (Isaiah 40:30 - "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.") and knew the moment I read it that I wanted to be like an eagle....I want to fly on eagles wings....not walk on the ground like a turkey.  Why would anyone want to be a turkey when they have the opportunity to soar.  I invite you to soar with me. today and have a Fantastic Friday!  We only have 45 more days of school!  Whooo hoooo....I am so ready for summer.


  1. Hey, the countdown is on! We only have 7 more Mondays! I'm definitely ready to soar! :D

  2. Thanks for your sweet visit to my "wicked" table this week -- thought you would enjoy it since you just posted on seeing that too. I'll be able to retire in 2014 too with 30 years! Then we hope to travel a bit and enjoy our grandgirls more often. Have a wonderful weekend -- have you heard about that conference yet? Sounds perfectly wonderful!

  3. I hear you!!!! I'm ready for warmer weather and our BIG MOVE!!!! Our neighbors truly are the......turkeys around here.


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