
Friday, March 19, 2010

Small Kodak Moments

My friend over at Whistlestop Cafe Cooking blog is having a Friday Favorites link I thought I would share mine. I am one of those weird people who love to take pictures of things that just happen along. Several years ago I was driving to Knoxville from Alexander City and Kat and I decided to swing through and look at Sewanee: the University of the South. It is a small, older college,(one of the classrooms we looked in...looked very much like the classroom in Dead Poet's Society - remember that movie?) a School of Letters and a Seminary for the Episcopal Church. Yep, this is where I wanted my daughter to and God all tied up under one roof. Ahhh the best laid plans of mice and men...little did I know then that my sweet daughter was truly going to follow in my own footsteps...major in Education...and be a graduate from Auburn....and never experience living life on campus....sigh! As we were driving away from the college I noticed a cross on a hillside. It was spectacular. We began to wind our way to where the cross was located. It took several mistries to finally get the road right...and there it was. The most magnificent cross we had ever seen. The sun was shining and hitting the whiteness of the cross and making it an almost blinding experience. We both stood in awe at the power and magnitism of that huge structure. I snapped the picture...and off we went...searching for something new to photograph. This....this was truly a Kodak moment. Happy Friday!


  1. Wow!
    That is a friday favoite.
    Thanks for stopping by, It is fun to see the things people love the most.

  2. That is indeed a Kodak moment! Lovely! I love old campuses.

    All your "mistries" were worth it to get that shot.


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