
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Goodbye to Silver Drummond!

Today was a very sad day for me: It was my intern's last day. She did  an amazing job with my Spanish classes.....even the ones who did not want to learn. When I think back to the first day she came (which seems like only yesterday to me)...until today, I realize how I learned from her.  You know as an educator you never stop learning...and learn I did.  She was so creative and such a beautiful spirit.  I think professionally she will be a great success.  Who ever gets her as a teacher next year will definitely benefit from a wonderful person. Silver....(is that not the coolest name?.... was a delight to get to know, and it feels really good to know that I was a part of her process on the road to becoming a teacher.  I thank Dr. Sue Barry at Auburn for placing that kind of confidence and trust in me.  Silver had an interesting start. My first block class was composed of a large number of baseball playing boys...who were friends and a handful.  She never broke stride...she did what she came here to do...she taught.  My other two classes were a piece of cake after first block....and if she handled them....she can handle anything.  I actually went back to work on April 19th and believe you me...I have been exhausted. I took several pictures of her and the students and am making her a collage which I will mail to her I would not cry.  Silver graduates on May 14th and between now and then she will be in Tampa with her parents interviewing for a job, and finishing up those final graduating details that have to be taken care know, like packing.  I must say again that any  school system would be crazy not to hire her...I am telling you.   I wish we could have hired her.  I think she would be fun to have around all the time....but is proration here....and non-tenures are going to be pinked before the last working day of she is better off trying somewhere else.  Besides, her family is in Tampa...and her boyfriend, Nick is also going to be back home in Tampa....I guess I don't blame her...but I am sure gonna to miss her.  Good luck Silver and may God bless you as you embark on your new career and calling.  You rocked!


  1. Oh, Karen...I know just how you feel. I just wrote a post this morning/last night about yesterday being a sad day because it was my intern's last day! Isn't it amazing to see those fresh, young, enthusiastic girls who will be joining us in our professions? Glad you had a good one: I sure did.

  2. I don't believe I've ever known anyone named "Silver". I have known a couple of girls named "Sterling" though...She sounds wonderful, and if you say she is that's good enough for me. I hope she finds a job quickly. Sure wish she were here in the Fall to teach Princess Spanish II. That's one of the first hurdles we'll have to climb in our homeschooling efforts.

  3. Good teachers are priceless!! And with the low pay, high stress, and almost non-existent respect it's amazing to me that people still WANT to teach!

    Bravo Silver!!!


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