
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is April 14th, it would have been my dad's 84 birthday....but instead it is a day I am going to remember the special times I had with my dad during my 55(56 tomorrow) year tenure as his daughter. I hope you will bear with me.  You see...I was due on the 14th too.  My dad was working across the state of Florida in Ft. Myers.  He took the day off on the 14th to be there when I made my arrival....alas, nothing happened.  My mom did not even have a twinge...all day.  Now, 55 years ago they were not quite so quick to induce labor so your child could be born on a given day...nope...things were done the old fashioned waited.  Very early in the morning, on April 15th, my dad got up, got dressed, and left for Ft. Myers.  Before he walked out the door, he asked my mom if she was feeling alright.  She told him she had never felt better. ( we would know that as a warning sign, especially when she got up and began cleaning the apartment.)  We only had one car back in those days....and my dad was in it.  At 8:00 a.m., my mom had to call a cab, her water had just broken.  My dad had just arrived on his job site in Ft. Myer.  The taxi came, saw my mom and was a bit seems that just the week before he had made the paper because he had delivered a baby in the very same backseat my mom was sitting in.  Would the fates be that cruel again?  My mom assured him she was just going to visit a friend in the hospital....and would he drop her off at the emergency she did not have to climb the stairs.  He was so sweet....and after I was born....sent my mom a blanket for me.  My dad on the other hand...who had driven all the way to Ft. Myers....turned around and headed home.  I was born shortly after he arrived.  He told me from the moment he held me and I wrapped my hand around his finger....I also wrapped my hand around his heart.  He and I were one.  Kids are like that....yeah we are!  Today is especially tough for me so if you don't mind would you keep me in your prayers today.  This is the first birthday that my dad and I haven't celebrated since 1954....and I am struggling.  This day will pass...I know that....and next year will be easier.  God bless you all today!  Hug your daddys if you can....if not just hug someone.  It might be the only hug they get all day!


  1. Happy Birthday in heaven for your dad! My dad just turned 85 on the 1st and you and I are the same age I'll be 55 in June. We came mighty close to not having Dad here this year as well and even though he just had major surgery they couldn't fix it all, we know we're on borrowed time -- Karen, I know you miss him terribly, but rejoice in his new home. We have something else in common. My mother had altzheimer's as well, she's been gone almost 8 years and the special dates; birthday, Mother's day, etc. are still difficult - but I love that she's healed and whole. And one more thing -- I also work for the school system - bookkeeping not teaching, but still, amazing common ground we have. Guess where I'll be next month on vacation -- Sanibel and flying into Ft. Myers.

  2. Big hugs Karen!!!! Happy Birthday to you both as well. This is a time to celebrate!!! Have some cake, get some horns and have some fun!!!!

  3. Awww Karen, what a sweet tribute to your dad. I'm so sorry you're missing him.

    I'm glad you have such wonderful memories of him to comfort you. And even missing him, I hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow. You are in my thoughts and my prayers sweet friend.


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