
Saturday, April 3, 2010

In My Life.....I've Loved Them All

I was going to do Easter posts all week and almost made it...that is until yesterday.  Yesterday, I got some very disturbing news about a former student.  My daughter Kat called to tell me that Melissa had been placed at Bethany House.  She is only 30.  As you remember from when my Aunt died, Bethany House is a Hospice dwelling for the terminally ill to spend their last days.  The key word here is days.  Melissa was one of my most favorite students.  I mulled it over...I needed to go see her....but heck...she probably did not even remember me....but I knew today, Frank and I went to Opelika....and I stopped in to see her.  When I asked at the nurses station which room she was in I nearly turned around and left when they told me she was in Room 102.  That was the same room my Aunt was in.  I was not sure I could make that walk down the hallway again....but I did...and I am glad.  I had quite a memorable visit with Melissa and several past students, Layla Syphers and Scott Jackson who were there visiting their old friend too.  It was like old home week....and I promise you I am not leaving this with a sad ending.  All the way home I thought about all the students that have come through my classroom doors in the past 24 years and thought I would tell you a little bit about some of them and my roles in their lives. During my teaching career I have had many roles.  I was the prom sponsor for 13 years, Student Government(SGA) sponsor for 5 years, Junior Civitan sponsor for 5 years, Cinder(school newspaper) sponsor for 4 years, Interact(this year only)Speech teacher, Spanish teacher, English teacher, AP English teacher, ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, Choir teacher, Detention Keeper, Football Game ticket seller, Foreign Language/Spanish Club sponsor(21 years), Senior play asst sponsor(3 years), Faculty Follies coordinator, Building Leadership Team facilitator, singer, dancer, chief cook and bottle washer...mender of hearts, teller of tales, and defender of the American Way(just kidding on this one).  On top of all these hats...I found time to teach Spanish, Speech, and English at any given time. 24 years a lot of kids have passed through my life...and I through theirs.  Today, some of them are teachers, like Brittany, Misty, Jennifer, Jeanne, Layla, Kathryn...and that makes me proud.  Some are doctors, some are lawyers...some work for the government, others are on government assistance.  Some pump gas, work on cars, sell real-estate, work in banks, are serving time...they do it all....and I it leaves me speechless to know that I touched their lives for one brief shining moment....but I thought of all the ones whose lives were cut short.  Bob, who called me Lt....died just recently.  It broke my heart.  He became a preacher...and was a substitute teacher at our school.  I adored him just as much at 38 as I did at 16.  Vanessa, died in a terrible car accident.  She was my precious drama queen.  She could make me laugh out loud in a heartbeat.  Chris died in a car accident, Leigh Ann too!  Two of my boys died in a burning car...that one almost killed me.  Neil died in a diving accident.  I taught him in Sunday School and held him when he was three days old.   I sang "Thank You" at his funeral.  These kids are not just statistics...they were lives....lives that touched me when they walked on earth...and I have no doubt will share the kingdom of heaven with me when I get there.  Yes, I believe that I touch lives forever....but I also know that those very same lives touched mine too...and I will never be the same...because for one brief shining moment...we walked the same road.  God has truly blessed me.  I hope you enjoy my blast from the past.
Brittany and I - BRHS Prom - she teaches Middle School Math
Top picture - Hackneyville High School Students - Bob is on the far right
Bottom Picture - Dancing and singing in the Faculty Follies
My ESL class and Vanessa.  1993 seems like an eon ago...and yet sometimes it seems like only last week.  Where did the time go?  Seventeern years was gone in the blink of an eye.  It is true...time does fly.
Homecoming Queen hopefuls.  I was Student Government Sponor for five years and worked with lots of lovely ladies.  The one in the middle was named Homecoming Queen that year.  They cleaned up nice huh?
I taught at New Site High School for three years.  Jennifer, back left, is a teacher today.  How exciting!
The Senior play cast on opening night.  This particular year the play was a drama.  The first row girl...sixth from the left was an exchange student, Tatiana (Touch) from Brazil.  She is an International lawyer.  As I sit here going through these pictures I truly believe that I have been blessed beyond all blessings.  I believe I am a God-called teacher and I thank Him everyday for this privilege.  Don't get me wrong...they have not all been angels and everyday has not been a bed of roses.  I have had my share of  thugs....but to be honest they have few and far between.  Life has been good to me...and "in my life, I've loved them all!  Happy Saturday and I hope you all have a blessed Easter.


  1. Karen, what a beautiful tribute to your students. I think most of us in education feel this way but just can't express it as well as you did. Thank you for all of the lives you have touched, including mine.
    Amy Blankenship

  2. You definitely touched some lives :)

    Sending prayers for melissa

  3. Karen you are an awesome mentor to many, young and old. Every person that you come in contact with loves the person that you are. You have a personality that shines through in every way. I truly miss hearing what you have to offer in the service this morning. I thank you for being the person that you are and that my children traveled with you on that road with at one time.


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