
Friday, May 28, 2010

Another Year Bites The Dust

Tonight at 8:00 the 2009-2010 year will just be a memory.  Today and Tuesday we are at school sin students, working. can tell I am working...I am my defense...all my grades are posted, my gradebook is run, the stuff in the floor is picked up.  I have taped my computer chords to the desk, or wall...except for this one.  Tonight at 8 p.m. I will help line the students up for the very last time and they will take their places at the center of the Sportsplex field, be given the piece of paper they have worked for.....well some of them.....turn their tassels and it will be over for them.  Some of us will return again in the fall and start the same process with the next group....the seniors of 2010 - 2011.  Every year this saddens me.  I love these kids.  They go out and start their lives at college....or work....or the military....and I face the next group.  One year this will end for me too...and I will graduate to the ranks of the retired.  It gets closer every year.  I used to be really excited about I find myself putting the brakes on....hoping to slow the time down.  I can't imagine my life without them in it. This year has been a tough year for me.  The year began in August and September brought the disappearance of my parents.  I went freaky for a week and never quite got over it.   My first semester group of kids were great and really helped me deal with all the crap that Hospice for my dad, the BOLO on my folks, and my dad's death brought into my life. I was grateful for Christmas break to be honest.  I needed to take a breath and regroup.  I would have an intern second semester so I was looking forward to spending some time writing.  Did not happen!  Intern was precious....but the second semester kids first block tried every nerve I had....and I could not leave her alone with them...they would have eaten her alive.  My special aunt died in March, so once again I found myself in grieving mode.  It is not a mode I like that is for sure.   Second semester I went into survival mode and by the time my intern left at the end of April I knew I would just have to hold on until May.  We were notified by the Conference at the end of April that we would be moving to Rock Mills...which was exciting and sad all rolled into one.  We would be turning the Waverly congregation over to Blue (my Praise and Worship Leader at FUMC), and taking on a new church....complete with a parsonage....fully loaded.  Frank was unemployed....but God has really taken care of us.  We have had plenty to eat, the bills, paid...and even get to have a date every now and then.  Packing has begun...and Frank has done most of it to date.  I know he will be glad when I finally am home to help.  Key word here...HE will be glad.  I am dreading it.  This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend...and I am working a wedding, we are having a moving world is in turmoil.  The moving sale is this weekend...because next weekend is the big Methodist Conference and we will be in Birmingham Thursday - Saturday.  I am looking forward to plans are....while Frank is at his meeting...I am going to lounge by the motel pool, read, sleep, watch tv, and hit some of my favorite B'ham consignment shops.  Sounds like a plan to me.  The next weekend...we will sell anything that is not gone this week...and then we move on the 16th.  I am so excited!  I just wish I could tweak my nose and be there...and unpacked.  Packing is nasty!  I can't find anything....and so far Frank has had to locate and unpack four boxes for me.  Poor baby!  Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day. 


  1. It HAS certainly been quite a year for you Karen -- and you've handled it with a lot of grace -- both yours and His. I hope that there will be an oasis of calm for you after the move.

  2. Hi there!

    Pam from Screaming Mimi here letting you know that you won my book & tote giveaway!

    I'm sending you an e-mail so watch for it!

    I hope you can ride out your crazy weekend!

  3. Believe me, when it's time for me to retire, I'm going to do without looking back!
    Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy right now!


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