
Friday, May 14, 2010

I Love You Lord

I am all about the photos this week.  My school year is winding down....and to be honest I am glad....this has been one of my toughest years in all 24 that I have taught.  I told my boss last week that I hoped he would be around at least one more he could see me in a different light.  His first opinion of me has not been the best....he has experienced a Karen who had missing elderly parents, a father who was dying and then died, a favorite aunt who died, and numerous other bad things....I would like him to see me when I am running on all pistons....and not limping into the pit for a pitstop.  Anyways....Melinda gave me this one just like the one from my post yesterday..  I have no idea where she captured this one...but talk about having an eye....she really has an EYE!  I would have never seen this in a million years....yet, when she showed me the pictures...I saw the heart shining in the heavens.   I felt like this was my personal heart...she took this picture around the time my precious Aunt Shirley died....and to me...this picture was my sign....letting me know that Aunt Shirley and my daddy....were A-OK...and I smiled.  I keep this picture in my wallet...mine is kind of ragged right now....because when I feel that life is hard....I pull out this heart....and know that I am loved.  Have a Blessed Friday!  Tomorrow my sweet Kathryn graduates from Auburn Montgomery with her Ed.S and I am going to be the proud mother in the audience.  I will make sure to get some pictures of the two of us and post them so you can all see how beautiful she is!(not that I am proud or anything.)

1 comment:

  1. That picture was amazing!
    Congrats to your daughter and her Ed.S.; you have every right to be a proud momma!


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