
Monday, May 17, 2010

Let the Countdown Begin.....

Yesterday was Senior Recognition Sunday at our church.  We have eight graduating from High School this year and they were all there....fresh scrubbed faces.....full of anticipation.  They were announced, called up front and then we watched a precious video memoir of them.  I cried....of course.  For them....this chapter of their book is ending and a new chapter is beginning.  I remember actually remember those days.  I still have the bible....with my name on it....that my church gave me when I graduated.  It is 38 years old and dog-earred as rip.  The message yesterday was about that very thing.  Bro Bill asked Kevin what he got from his church when he graduated....he said a bible....and when he was asked where it was....he commented that it was in a box somewhere....the same place it had been since the day he got it.  He grew up in a small town and could not wait to leave.....he left for college the day after graduation and did not return home for a year and a half....he did NOT take his bible to took him a while to find his way back....but he did....and I am glad.  He is an awesome preacher/pastor.  Kevin then returned the same questions at Bill and his response was to reach in his pocket and pull out a very much read book that he HAD taken to college with him.  The gist of the message they begin their new lives away from all of us....remember to take God with you.  I loved it.  So, here I am.....9 more days to go....the last two days are only half days and Friday is Senior Honor's day so the senior's will be dismissed after that....and most of the juniors will be it is usually a quiet day.  My classes are mixed so I will have students all day.  Several years ago a student told me he felt sorry for me....he described my job as stagnant.  He went on to say that I don't ever go on....and they do.  He is sort of right....but wrong too...I do go them.  Each student that has walked through my doors takes a part of me with them.  That is how the pebble gets to the moves along with the running of the water.  I am not stagnant.  I bloom where I am planted.  Happy Monday to all!

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