
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chicken Q and Classic Car Show

It is not even daylight when we get up and head to the church this morning.  I have no idea what to expect.  Some of the men have been cooking since 1 AM.  Frank falls in with the guys outside and I go in to become part of the ladies brigade.  My job for the first part was watching Ms. Celia (Hope's wife) make from scratch bisquits.  I did not think anyone did that anymore.  I personally get mine from a bag our of the freezer section.  Marcia is the one in charge...although she says she is not.  Her sister Sherry arrives shortly thereafter.  Job two...breaking eggs in a bowl to be scrambled.  This, it turns out, is not just a BBQ...they serve the guys breakfast.  YUMMY!  Tenderloin...right off the grill, eggs, homemade biscuits and preserves, and homemade sourdough bread.  We ate...then began the process of preparing for the enslaught of customers to retrieve their Chicken with tickets sold.  I had a blast.  These people were so much fun to work with and so Frank and I got in their and got busy.  It was a good day and I am tired.  No unpacking was done today.  Marcia's daughter, Lyndi is coming on Tuesday to help me.  Was that not sweet?  How many juniors in high school would give up a summer day to come help their pastor's wife undo boxes....tomorrow is the big day.  Our first Sunday at Rock Mills.  The bulletins are run, Frank's sermon is done....oh...and Kat and I are singing.  This will be her second time to sing in public with me.  I am thrilled beyond measure.  The only thing that would make it perfect would be if Amy could be here too.  Happy Saturday to all.  Pictures will be posted next week.  There is so much to tell and so much to see.  Have a great Saturday.

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