
Monday, June 7, 2010

"It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday"

Yesterday was the last time that the whole Praise and Worship Band would be together with me.  I have one more Sunday to sing with them before we move to Rock Mills...but yesterday...every single one of us was there...that has not happened in a long time.  I decided since everyone was going to be there...I would do a little something for I got each one of them a gift to remember me by.  For David, our drummer, and singer when we are in a tight, I got a headset.  Since we lost a Praise and Worship leader a few years ago (who sold David's headset on E-bay) this has been a standing joke and always David's excuse for not singing.  Buck, Brian, Billy, Steve, Roberts T. and G. I gave a lighthouse.  They have all been beacons of light for me during my tenure with the team.  When I could not laugh...they always had a joke, when the music was not there....they gave me a song, these guys all lead me back to port when I was adrift and I will miss them.  The girls all got an angel....different angels...because they are all different....but they have picked me up many times along my way, dusted me off, and followed me for a bit to make sure I did not fall again.  They are my heart.  Blue, got a Joshua cross.  He will be taking over for us at Waverly...and I know that he and his house all serve the Lord.  Greg got a special tie and a book with a CD.  Greg has always been a spiritual peace for me.  The tie reminds me that even though I am not with them anymore I am bound to them through God.  And the book/CD reminds me that in everything I do...I must give God my best.  With each present there was a scroll.  I penned a little ditty for the group and I thought I would leave you all with my wonderful words of wisdom...I am grateful that I get one more week to sing with them on stage.  I will miss them all.  But in the words of an old Still Magnolias song....Life Goes...and Life Goes On.  They will be fine without me.

Ode to the Praise Band.

When we began we were a ragged sight.

I’m surprised that Blue didn’t run in fright.

We all had skill, maybe not the best.

We put Blue’s leadership to the test.

One of us left before we got started

But it didn’t seem to leave us downhearted.

Many have come and gone over the years

We’ve hugged, we’ve laughed, we’ve shed some tears.

Joy sang Alto but never in service.

That very first Sunday we were all quite nervous.

As part of the band, I was quiet from the start

But the alto came out when it flooded my heart.

Blue threatened Rhonda and I with some gizmo

That would cover the harmonies….but we’d never know.

Kelly, Brian, Robert, Cindy, Richard, Jennifer, were a part

Ella left us then and it just broke her heart

Blue Left for bit then Steve did the same.

We had a new guy….Oh what was his name…

He was really a youngster in spite of his age

He even sent some of us off of the stage.

He didn’t last long or we’d all gone to pot.

Then Alan was here and a rock band we’re not.

He wanted us all to be just like Third Day…

We just couldn’t do it…so he went on his way.

When Cindy moved South then Sherri joined in

We were so glad to have her we were whole once again.

For over ten years we have been doing this mission.

I never thought this service would come to fruition.

A family we are and a family we’ll stay

And my heart will be with you even after today.

Each gift in your bag is a piece of my heart

I love each of you….and I have from the start!

Happy Monday to all....God Bless you all and Keep it real today!

1 comment:

  1. Big hugs!! Saying goodbye is always so hard. I'm not looking forward to it myself. The ones you leave behind will miss you and the ones you go to will be greatly blessed!


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