
Monday, June 21, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday

Monday morning we got up and hit the ground running.  The landlord of the house in Alexander City was meeting us at the house at 10 AM to get the keys and tell us if we were good tenants.  Since we are now an hour away from Alex City we left the house by a bit after 6 so we could meet my sweet friend Mary at the house by a bit after 7.  She works the third shift at the hospital right now filling in for a friend.  Anywho...she was going to come...straight from work...without any sleep....and help us clean the house.  We beat her there because she went home and got out of her uniform.  I did a quick and thorough wipe down of the window sills.  I hate dusty window sills.  While I was doing that, Frank was loading up my plants and the few things left in the shed.  He was also nice and picked up the trash around the yard.  Mary's husband Bill cut the grass for us on Saturday...he is such a love.  WE sold our lawn mowers before we could cut the grass again.  Once Mary got there we all began a specific chore.  My job was to get rid of the food from the fridge that we did not take.  Mary was mopping, Frank was sweeping.  As we all are not the best at sweeping...and Frank is no exception.  Mary ran the dust mop after he had finished...just to make sure.  Then we mopped.  The kitchen was the only floor with vinyl that could be straight mopped.  The other floors in the house were hardwood...OLD hardwood.....ABUSED hardwood.  I did not want to buy a bunch of new cleaning we used up my hardwood floor cleaner on the first 4 rooms and the hallway.  Then....we mixed up some Murphy's Oil Soap...also great on hardwood floors and cleaned 1.5 more floors.  The last was done with Fabuloso...lavender scent.  The house looked fabulous.  Frank went and turned in the cable modems and stuff...Mary and I visited.  Mr. Landlord showed up at 10 on the dot.  Did a walk through...told us we were great tenants...took the keys and we were through.  After the marathon cleaning, we visited my mom, and then headed back to Rock unpack some more.  Sigh....I think the boxes are like rabbits...and multiplying. 

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