
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Alexander City, AL to Louisville, KY - Day 1

Kat and Mandy - The Warrior Girls
I have not gotten my 35 mm film from Walmart yet but I cannot wait to share pictures and since I have nearly 1500 digital ones I figured it would be ok.  On Day One of the great Michigan Escape 2010 we had no set time to start.  Kat was going to call me as soon as she left her house.  I was going to leave then too and go by and see my mom before we left town.  One small problem with that scenario.  Missi and Clay spent the night with us Saturday night and I got up in plenty of time to fix breakfast for us all.  We ate and enjoyed each other so much that I did not actually leave Rock Mills until they left....which was 30 minutes later than I had planned.  In New Site I called Kat to get her ETA and found out that I still had time to go by and see my I did.  We loaded, gave Mary's husband, Bill, our keys and hit the road.  Our first stop was the Warrior sign on I-65.  It is a Mandy power word so we took pictures of Kat and Mandy making the Warrior sign.   Second stop was Decatur to drop Molly, Mandy's daughter, off with her grandparents.  Quick hello, bathroom stop, and we were on our way again.  Next stop would be the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY.
As you can tell Mandy and Kat had a great time having their picture made in a Corvette.  Heck for that matter so did Mary and I.  It was fun to sit and be photographed.  After the museum we headed on to David and Susanna's.  Thank goodness for GPS units.  We keyed in their address and it took us right to the front door.  I called David from the courtyard to tell him we had arrived and he thought I meant in Louisville.  Louisville is an awesome city.  There is a lot of diversity, rhythm, and pulse.  After we got settled we took David to supper at the coolest restaurant.  If you watch the Food Channel, which I do religiously, and know who Bobby Flay is...then you must know that not only did he do one of his infamous Throwdowns is also one of Oprah's favorite restaurantes.  The place was charming.  I ate a hot brown, dish very famous in Louisville.  It was yummy.  We all had something different and shared bites.  Everything was so good. 

After dinner at Lynn's Paradise Cafe we toured Louisville at night.  David took us to see Churchill Downs (which was beautiful, but not anything like I expected it to be.  It is right in the middle of the city....not out on some 100 acre tract of horse ranch - that was a big disappointment) and 4th Street (a famous night spot).  What a bustling town.  I was glad when we returned to the apartment and settled down for the night.

It was a good day for sure.  Monday we would get up, have a wonderful breakfast casserole fixed for us by our wonderful host, David, left David's apartment and stopped at the Mary Alice Hadley factory and then the Louisville Slugger Museum, then headed on to Michigan.  We were shooting for Grand Rapids....but were willing to go all the way to Traverse City if we were able.  Tomorrows post will be pictures from our second day of traveling.  Hope you enjoy my pictoral blog. Who knows maybe you will visit some of these places one day because you saw them on my blog.


  1. John and I went to the Corvette Museum several years ago. What a cool place!

    I can't wait to see more of your pictures. I can't wait to see YOU! :)

  2. What a great trip! Can't wait to read more about it. Looks like you made some really neat stops along the way -- now that's how I like to travel!

  3. Looks like it would be a good weekend trip for us. I'll have to tell my husband about it! Believe it or not, I've never been to Louisville!


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