
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Impatience is My Middle Name

I once prayed for patience...and things got I prayed harder...and they got even worse...and then I realized....God was teaching me I quit praying for it and went on to something less painful.  We spent the day in Alex City today...and I mean...spent the day.  We had big plans...not gonna happen.  We both were out of refills on our we had to see the doctor.  I personally believe that the doctors, pharmacists and drug companies are in cahoots with each other.  Soooo....I made us both an appointment.  One was at 1:30...the other at 1:40.  This is right after I thought...great...we will be right in and out.  We had some bank business to do....should have taken 20 minutes...took 40....we were going to look for a painting at Longleaf...that took 40 minutes too....we ate lunch...I of course tried to feed the girls...I had on a white top....we ate at Pizza Hut...when will I learn to eat Ranch Dressing when I am wearing white....NOT Catalina!  We did not have enough time to see mom BEFORE the we planned to see her on the way out of town.  We arrived at the Dr.'s office at 1:15...and by the time I filled out all the updated papers and paid the copay...they were calling us...the key word here is US...back to be weighed, blood pressure, etc...taken.  I made Frank stand out in the hall.  What I weigh is a touchy issue with me.  He stood in the hall and laughed.  1:35 we were back in the cattle stall, also known as the main waiting room....where we sat...for an hour before being called back to sit in the room.  Last time I went to the doctor....I sat in the waiting room 2 hours...and then the exam room another hour....before I walked out.  This time was not as bad...we sat an both rooms.  The doctor came in and examined us....again with the US.  We paid two copays...but only used one room...that should have! didn't.  Our doctor is from Korea I believe....he has no sense of humor...and Frank of course was in rare form today....spouting forth pitiful jokes...the poor doctor just looked confused.  NOW for my pet peeve.  I teach high school....I know you know that....IF....this doctor...had scheduled an appointment with me to talk about his child....he would have expected to meet with me at the appointed time.....RIGHT?  So, is he telling me that my time is not as valuable as his?  I had an appointment...but I did not see the doctor until 2 hours after appointed time.  What do you think his reaction would have been if I had done that to him?????????  ANYWAYS....because of the length of time used...we hurried through a couple of other errands and ran to see my mom...who greeted us in her jammies.  She had never dressed for the day.  This is a hard one for mother NEVER left her bedroom as long as they lived with us in her jammies...and now she sits out on the sun porch with jammies, no robe, and her black shoes...she is a sight to behold.  Anyway...they made her dress....well they did not MAKE her...they can't...they urged her to dress....and then she came and ate at her dinner.  She ate a bite of turnips...and she loves them, a bite of chicken and dumplings that looked positively delish, a bite of cornbread (her favorite bread), and a bite of peaches (she can take them or leave them.)....that was not even 25% of her meal.  I would be starving again in an hour...she will not eat again until breakfast (her favorite meal).  We left about 30 minutes later...stopped by Mary's, where we were supposed to go and swim...but now it is nearly 6....and headed home.  Wasted day....hung pictures the night was not a total wash.  I hate days like this....don't you?


  1. LOL about the Pizza Hut fiasco! I can't wear white, either!
    I know what you mean about waiting for dr.'s visits. We had a friend in SC who is an ob/gyn; he told us that if you wait for 30 minutes, go up and make sure they haven't forgotten about you. That's crazy to have to wait 2 hours total to see the dr., unless there's an emergency, but even then they should tell you.
    With your mom: maybe the staff was picking their battles with her not getting dressed? I at least hope she seemed happy. That would be extremely hard.
    Hugs going out to you!

  2. I have walked out from the doctor's office after waiting an hour in the examining room. I honestly think he forgot I was there. I also walked out after having an 8:15 appointment, was called in at 8:10 when the nurse took my vitals, but by 8:35 the nurse practitioner hadn't come in so I left. I had to be back at work by 9:45 (40 minute drive). Both times I found a new doctor. So I'm right there with you!

  3. Sounds like a busy day! You are so right about doctors. They would certainly be more than a little upset if they were made to wait.


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