
Monday, July 26, 2010

In That Great Gettin' Up Morning

Rock Mills decided not to have church last night in lieu of going to Lowell UMC for Revival to hear Greg Reynolds from Brandon speak.  They had all heard him before and loved him.  I had been asked by Bro. Ed Grooms, the pastor at Lowell to sing on Monday we have gone both nights....and to be honest...will probably go back tomorrow night.  Today was a hectic day....I really fretted over what to sing.  I was asked to sing 2-3 songs and you all know me....that means....6....but I was good and kept it to 3.  I got up this morning and practiced for about an hour and then Frank and I went to take care of some business.  We became Randolph Co. residents for real today....we registered to library cards.  But...back to my music tonight....I ended up chosing....4.....for a purpose.  I only planned on singing 3 of them.   So, I did His Eye is On the Sparrow, and Broken and Spilled Out(which is one of my favorite songs....I love the power I feel when I sing it.)....I had Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) in reserve in case M.L Williams, my Sunday School teacher, was there, it is one of his favorite songs...but he was not there so I will do it sometime at Rock Mills.  My finale song was one I have been dying to sing with Still Magnolias...but could not find the accompaniment track for...until today.  Frank and I went to Auburn after we registered to vote to get a book and some goodies for the Time for Children past of the service....and there it is a Gaither Trio song...called In That Great Gettin' Up Mornin' and I love it.  It is a fast song with powerful words.  It is so much fun to sing and the congregation really seemed to get into it.  It was fun to sing with several of my congregation sitting there.....I looked at them and they were all smiling.  Bro. Ed called me the First Lady of Rock Mills when he introduced me to the crowd as, Carol Korb.  I didn't correct him....yep...we will probably go back tomorrow night...and not just because they are making homemade ice cream...yummm....but that is not the reason I want to go.  I have never felt so touched by the words Bro. Greg has been delivering.  Tonight he talked about being on fire for God. I had to stop and ask myself....when was the last time I felt that burn....and it was not indigestion?  I had to be honest with myself and say it had been a while...a good long while...and I WANT THAT FIRE BACK!  God bless you all tonight...and I am sharing the new song with you....enjoy it.  See you tomorrow with pictures.  I am working in the my post will be mid-afternoonish.  I can't wait to share them with you. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't have time to listen right now, but will get to it later! Sounds like you're settling right in!


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