
Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4th

Today is July 4th, Independance Day. But,I got to thinking about what we actually think about when the day comes to mind. What do you think about when it is the 4th of July? Do you think about a day off from work with picnics, fireworks, and those red, white, and blue flags displayed in front yards along your neighborhood streets. I know a lot of people who do. Yesterday, Frank and I were riding around and saw a number of yards with flags, red white and blue banners, and other decorations. This is all good, but the when I think of July 4th there is one word that comes to my mind and that word is freedom. It is a great thing that we live in the United States of America where we can voice our opinions freely and without fear, and we can vote for who we want to vote for without the fear of political repercussion, and we can worship where we want to...openly. These are the reasons we should never take our freedom for granted. I have noticed year after year that some people really go all out decorating for holidays. My favorite decorations are the yards with a simple flag in the yard. The flag means a lot to me because of those in my family who have been in wars. I have also had friends who have served our country, and I have known some who gave their lives for our country. I have a tender place for this patriotic holiday. My father served in World War II, my mother performed in USO shows in hay fields all over the south during that war, my cousins and several friends served in Korea, Desert Storm, Vietnam War and a son in law and nephew in Afghanistan currently. The 214th from Alexander City are there now. I taught a lot of these soldiers. I know their mommas and daddys. Of all of these valient people who have fought in the past wars....some came home...some didn't. Because of their contributions in keeping us all free, I am proud of the flag.
Have you ever thought about the American flag and all that it stands for? It is a symbol of the greatest nation on the earth. It has been carried through centuries in battle. It is placed on the graves of our honored dead who fought for the right for us to remain a free nation, and it flies high during peace times, as well as war. I was draped across the coffin of my father. I have the folded remnant displayed in my living room. It is a constant reminder of freedom for me. “Old Glory” is its name.
Yes, today, July 4th is a day to honor our country....but today is Sunday....and there is another real freedom we can have. We can display it every day of the year, and that is our freedom “In Christ” to live a life to glorify Him, so that His banner of love, truth, and peace can be seen by all. Because of what He did for us on the cross we can be free in our spirit to serve the Creator of the whole universe and that my friends, is True Freedom.
Romans 8:2 says,
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death." (ASV)
Just as the flag that represents freedom, Jesus is a banner over us, protecting and shielding us. He is the “Glory and the Lifter of our heads” at all times. Let freedom ring out in your heart today.
Psalm 3:3 reads,
"But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head." (KJV)
Happy 4th to all of blogger world. My your hearts be filled with love and patriotism today and my Christ guide your and always. God Bless You all!


  1. Hey Karen -- I had the Children's talk today at Church -- we talked about our freedom and the freedom to worship however we choose to. We also remembered the missionarys from the U.S. who go into countries where they aren't free to worship and the work they do to spread the good news of the gospels. Happy 4th from our home to yours!

  2. What a wonderful post! (again!) My favorite 4th decoration is just a flag, too. It makes a powerful statement!

  3. That is a nice post! My brother had small flags set up around his backyard. I liked the way it looked.


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