
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Last Night on the Road

We hit Bronners CHRISTmas village again today first to see the tower replica of the place where Silent Night was first performed....and to pick up Bill's yard nativity....and a few other trinkets.  After Bronners we realized that we spent 5 hours of our lives in the mecca of Christmas stuff.  We then drove down to the Glockenspiel and took pictures and listened to the story of the Pied Piper.  Another photo op at the covered bridge.  We passed Tiffany's and the smell of food....drew us back pretty quickly.  We looked at some of the woolen places, a few cheese hauses, some nifty gift stores, Kat and Mandy took a tour of a local brewery.  I passed on that one.  I don't like to drink the stuff much less smell it being made.  The smell of hops is gross in my book.  We saw a few funny stores....and we all are they were probably funnier to us than to anyone I will keep them to myself for now.  We grabbed some of Tim's nuts (doughnut holes) and hit the road.  We thought the car was going to pull into 25 Christmas Lane (Bronner's)...but it didn't.  Our next stop was an hour away in Ann Arbor....and changed a bit when we got there because there was a huge street fair going on where we wanted to be and people were everywhere and roads were blocked off....of well so much for another Triple D stop(Diner's Drive-In's and Dives).  We went to Michigan stadium and took some pictures.  It is an awesome place, made a pit stop at a local coffee place and headed on.  We made one more stop at Cabela's just before the Ohio line....and that is where I started driving.....and when a terrible storm hit.  At one point during the storm we were actually in a section of Ohio where a tornado watch was issued.  Thank goodness Mary has a Blackberry and internet....she was sent a text message about the we knew what to watch for.  We are spending our last night on the road just outside or Dayton, OH in a place called Beavercreek.  Once again we are at a Fairfield Inn.  I am liking these places.  We ate supper at TGIFridays....and Mary and I split an appetizer with the girls....and a salad with each other. The girls split a pasta dish.  It was a good evening....until the the table behind me....dropped some salad dressing (you know...oily stuff)....and half of it splattered on my favorite shirt, my face, my neck, and my hair.  No apology was ever offered....and since I am on the have a ruined shirt.  We paid our bill, came back and went to the pool.  The hot tub was not in use the girls all went to the Hampton to use theirs...I came back to the room for a shower and to blog.  I don't think I can do the staying up til midnight or later thing tonight.  I am tired.  Tomorrow...we have not decided which route we are taking home....but I will be glad to get home.  I have enjoyed this trip....but as always...when the car turns south....I am ready to sleep in my bed.  I cannot wait to post about the special things we did and saw.  I hope you won' t get to tired of reliving our story.


  1. I never get tired of reliving your stories! You are a great story teller. I'm glad y'all have had a great trip!

    I enrolled on pdweb for PD stuff this morning. That makes me sad.

  2. I want to take a trip with you! What fun you have!!

  3. Seriously? She didn't apologize? I think I'd have to got online and make a complaint. That's just not right. It's one thing if she had apologized, but if she didn't...I'd be steamed!


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