
Monday, July 12, 2010

Ta Da....The New House

Everything is not quite where I want it but I decided to give you a snippet of what the house is shaping up to be on the inside.  The majority of the furniture was already here.  We brought very few things of our own.  We sold them all at a yard sale prior to moving.  The bookshelf to the left is one of those things we brought.  It was an entertainment center that did not sell.  I thought it was so was a piece that Frank had BEFORE we married....but we brought it anyways....and he made it into the cutest bookshelf.  The top center shelf is done with cute little squirrley things.  The flags on top of this shelf are from Frank's grandfather, H.F. who fought in WWII, and my father who fought in WWII also.  They were both in the Navy.  The shelf houses books, DVD's and VHS tapes.  It is almost full.....Like I said earlier...the parsonage was FULLY furnished.....but that does not count for the stuff....oh yes...the stuff that is all ours.  Before the next move...we will be lighter on the stuff too. 

Across from the bookshelf wall in the den/tv room is a wall grouping of tiny cars.  My father collected scale model cars for years.  When we began working in my moms house we found all of them...hundreds....still in the boxes they came in.  Frank was delighted and gathered them all the shelves and created Doug's Wall.  My sweet Frank has displayed all the cars (that were not duplicates...he gave them to my uncle and cousins) a great wall grouping he did on his own.  He has dubbed the TV room...the car room...and you know what...he did such a good job....I let him.

One of the things I have inherited are photographs that were my moms, aunts, and grandmother....I have totes and totes of this stuff.....I am slowly going through them and putting them in some kind of order....and you know...after twenty + years of teaching...I have an extensive collection of former student pictures of my own.....that stuff is all in the South room. The South bedroom is done with a quilt hanging and not done I will post about it later.  The quilt hanging is a post of its own.  The guest bathroom is done in grey blue with brown and lighthouses.  The tiny master bathroom is done in brown, green, cream, and magnolias.

The Friends bedroom is done.  As a matter of fact, it will house it's first house guests this weekend.  We are having a work party at Randy and Amanda's this weekend and Missi and Clay are going to be staying with me.  I am first house guests. The master bedroom is a strange shade of blue/green so it was hard to decide what I was going to do there.  We found a great picture at Hobby Lobby last week.  It is of an antique shop and then Kat did a wall grouping of pictures for me with scripture on them...and we used them on the other wall.  Master bedroom is coming along nicely. The bedroom suite is ours.  One of the few pieces of actual furniture we have in the parsonage.  The bedroom suite they had is in the storage shed in the back. 
The formal living room I have deemed....the Music Room...and made it a Still Magnolias haven.  Frank and I put up a wall of Still Magnolias stuff over the couch(which came with us) and I love it!  The topper piece of the wall states, "If Life is a Stage then I need better lighting."  Rebecca gave those to us one year at Still Magnolias Christmas. 

The hallway became the wall of fame/shame this weekend.  The left side is Franks family and I am still working on some of it.  I have some other pictures that are not framed yet....the right side is my family and I have too many of my pictures so lots of them are scattered through the house on tables.  Hey...I am a girl...girls frame pictures.  Guys don't.  The end of the hallway houses a desk with a mirror.

The formal dining room is lovely.  The people here really took some time to make the pastor feel at home.  The pewter tray we got at Waverly looks really lovely on the buffet in the dining room.  I cannot wait for Christmas and to host an Open House here.  I cannot wait to decorate for many possiblities....still cannot find the can opener....and now I am missing a stone picture of my mom and her I know I am not losing my mind.  I will post again on the house this week when I get some more pictures made.  Hope you enjoyed my tour.  Have a Happy Monday!


  1. Everything looks great! You know you'll find that can opener in the oddest of places at the oddest of times. LOL

    Thanks for the goodie you left me! I'm about to do my blog for it now. IF I can get Ali off my right arm so I can type, that is. Oh wait...she moved to the left arm. hahaha

  2. Nesting is part of the process of feeling "at home". You're doing great! Everything is lookin' good, GF!!


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