
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Count Your Many Blessings...Name them One By One.

I had a sad day today.....and when I came home I found a DVD out of place and went to pick it up and there it was...."White Christmas"....and all of a sudden I knew what my post was going to be about today....My blessings.  I began to think about all of mine....and before I knew it I was feeling pretty sassy again.  God is so good!  I have received so many blessings in my life and they never seem to cease…and I have two very special ones that I cannot choose between so I am going to both of them with you tonight. Blessing number 1 was when Mary Rachel (one of my former students) encouraged my daughter Kathryn and me to do ASP with the church. I honestly don’t like to get dirty and know even less about construction work. I signed up…thinking I would do Back Yard Bible Study or Soup Kitchen detail. I was so wrong. I was on Willie Lemmond’s team and we were going to put a roof on a house. Now that was a riot. You see....I am terrified of heights. Willie was not bothered by that…he made me the shingle cutter and the driver on the ground. What a blessing he and the kids were to me…and what a blessing we were to the Weidenhoft family from Tazewell. I still hear from this family at Christmas….and because someone blessed me….I was able to bless others. the last day I had actually climbed the ladder all the way to the top.  ASP was one of the greatest blessings I have ever received.  I went for four years and would not take anything for the time I spent helping others. The second blessing I want to share happened when Rev. Don Cross and Rev. Keith Elder talked to me about being part of the Arbor Service that was being formed. He asked me if I was interested and if I was would I show up at an informal practice and meet with Blue Vardaman, the man who was going to be the leader. I did…and was hooked. My original role in the band was as a guitar player. I never planned to sing. I just wanted to be a part. Shortly after we started practicing, Joy Roberson, the then youth leader’s wife, moved to Texas with her husband so he could enter seminary and since we both sang alto…I stepped into the role of harmonizer and guitar player. I cannot express to you how privileged and blessed I felt each Sunday when I stepped up on that stage and shared God’s word in music. It blessed me more and more each Sunday. The church blessed me by allowing me to be part of this great ministry. I felt I paid it forward each and every Sunday by singing my heart out for my God and church family. I was devastated when Frank was going to be moved to another church.  I thought my world was going to come to an end....and believe me...I would be lying to you right now if I said I didn't miss the Arbor....I do.  I miss Rita, Rhonda, Debbie, Blue, Brian, Steve, David, Robert (x2), Bill, Sherry....Gloria, Greg....I miss the congregation.....those were my people....but Rock Mills has been a new blessing.  I have met some really loving Christian people and they have made a place for me in their hearts.  I have actually come to enjoy sitting out on the patio in the evenings and listening to the crickets and other critters.  I have enjoyed slowing down a bit....oh....don't get me wrong....I miss my Alex City life....but I am finding blessings in Rock Mills every day.  God is so good and He always seems to fill voids in my life with wonderful things.  I am glad I am a Christian. Do you have a blessing you would like to share with me?  I would love for you to leave one in the comment section.  It does my heart good to hear of other peoples fortunes and blessings.  God Bless You all tonight.  Hope you have a great Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Whenever people tell me they don't know how I take care of the twins during the week, and work nights on the weekend...I tell them that I feel blessed to be in a situation to not have my kids in daycare, and that I am physically able to help support my family. There are blessings in every trial!


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