
Monday, August 9, 2010

Hop-A-Long Korb Rides Again

I did not attempt work today.  At 9 last night the pain was so intense I was crying.  Two Tylenol P.M.'s did the trick and I slept until 8 this morning.  I took Advils on a regular basis and stayed off the leg most of the day.  By 8 tonight it felt good enough to attempt a shower.   I am going to work I have everything out and ready....and called my boss to make sure the elevator was on so I did not have to attempt the stairs.  I am going with the walker. I have decided that I don't need to let pride get in the way here.  I will just look like an old lady tomorrow.  Frank has been neighing all day when I asked for something.  Larry, one of the Rock Mills members, told me yesterday to ride the pity pony as long as I can.  I have to admit...everytime Frank neighs I find it extremely funny.  He has been a great nurse.  I have had meals delivered in bed....or on the couch.  I have never wanted for something to drink.  He has been a dear....which is probably more than I could say about myself.  This has been a true learning experience for let others do for me.....when in need.  Keep the prayers coming that I will make it through the day tomorrow....and that the foot and knee will continue to heal.  Sigh!


  1. Good luck hun!! It's not great timing but don't push it if you are hurting. These things take a while to heal and if you push it, it will just take longer. Seriously!!!

    Hugs and prayers!!

  2. Yep, milk it for all it's worth!


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