
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Let It Rain I Say!

Yesterday we had some much needed rain.  It was glorious.  No, I did not go out and play in it...but I wanted to.  I just figured I would not test the waters with my ankle by dancing in the rain.  It started a slow misty rain early in the morning and throughout the day we had a couple of mega downpours.  It was lovely.  The temperature never got above 84 yesterday and it was great...muggy a bit between showers...but it was not in the 90's and muggy.  We were supposed to work/attend an outdoor wedding last night.  Deborah at Your Day was catering it and we work for her from time to time.  We were not sure if I was going to be much help...but the kitchen was perfect and I did all the prep work sitting on a stool with my foot propped up.  Frank was my legs.  The kitchen was in the main house...the reception was in the Party Barn on the other side of the driveway.  The wedding was held at The Reserve at Oak Bowery.  If you ever want to have a true antibellum wedding...this is the was beautiful.  To find it, google Oak Bowery and I think it is the first site that pops up.  Anyways, funny thing, we left at 3 p.m. heading to the site and it was pouring hard that you could hardly see.....when we got to the other side of LaFayette....the rain stopped....and it did not rain a drop during the wedding.  Good thing....outdoor weddings and rain are not fun.  The site of the wedding was beautiful.  It was held in front of an old fireplace looking thing....all the trees had colored lights at their bases and then several of them had the white Christmas lights in them.  I have to was magical.  Kelli was a beautiful bride.  Her mom and dad, Mike and Carol, were so proud....and they are such easy people to work for.  They were so appreciative of everything you do.  I like working those kinds of weddings.  We got home about 10 last night and the carport was full of water....such a beautiful site.  There is a 50% chance we will get more rain today...and if the sky is any is going to rain sometime today.  I love it!  I got up this morning, checked the sky, and started whistling "Singing in the Rain."  What a glorious day.  Ain't God Good?  The Bible tells us in Acts 14:17 that, "Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness." Have a Blessed Day!



  1. The boys and I got caught in a down pour on our walk back from the vet (about 5 blocks from the house). I love the rain, here in FL, b/c it means I don't have to water! (the rain in WA state is miserable b/c it's so cold there!)

  2. PSo that was the wedding that kept Jess & Lance from getting married at Oak Bowery. LOL.

  3. Sure wish we had gotten some of the rain, but I'm glad we didn't have it yesterday! The high school band had a car wash/rummage sale, so we needed the rain to stay away!

  4. I've been running a bit behind with my blog reading so I am over here catching up today.

    I loved the birthday post to Eric. You have such a way with words. You should make sure that Eric sees that post!

    I also loved the post about counting your blessings. It's so hard to do that sometimes, especially when things seem to be falling apart around us--but you are so right--and I am truly blessed. Thanks for reminding me of that.

    Have a great week! Kathy

  5. Yes, we got rain too! It was wonderful.

    Glad you were able to "work" at the wedding. The lights and the location sound beautiful.

    How's the new school year going? We're busy already.

    Sweet dreams.


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