
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mary and Bill and Wehadkee Trade Days

Wooo is Saturday...and Wehadkee Trade Days...AND Mary and Bill are coming up to go with us.  I am so excited I could pop.  I could not wait for the phone call from Mary saying they were on their way.  We met them at Huddle House for breakfast and I can't remember when I have had so much fun...we laughed...cut up....acted like ourselves.  It was great!  After breakfast we went to Clark Brothers for meat....we decided they might be closed by the time we were through messing around.  Wehadkee Trade we come.  This was a test run for the Gay, GA festival in October that we are going to.  Mary is wanting some Meckles Pickles...and knows that they are there....Mary does not like pickles...but likes these. We spent the next couple of hours at Trade Days and Mary made out like a bandit.  She bargained for a cute old chair and table, we bought a piece of blue and white stuff for our friend, Carolyn.  Her birthday is in November and this piece was pretty.  We introduced them to Shirley and Denney Pounds...members of our church...and Mary found a telescope.  It was a fruitful day for her.  We bought nothing.  I saw nothing I could not live without.  After Wehadkee we headed to Newnan and the School Box.  The airconditioning in the School Box felt wonderful.  It was miserable outside.  Mary bought a good bit....the guys and I read funny birthday cards...and I ended up buying four.  I will have to share them with you another day.  We will have to come back here before we leave Newnan...Mary is buying two tiny frogs in an ecosystem container.  We ate lunch at Five Guys....I love that place...and then hit Fanatic Fanz, DSW (my all time favorite place)....Mary bought two pairs of for for MIL, we hit several other stores and it just got hotter and hotter.  After Belks....which is at the end of the line...we decided to call it a day....go pick up the frogs....and head back to Alabama.  I overdid today.  My foot was really hurting by Frank and I sat in the car with the AC on....and chilled while they shopped.  "Bert and Ernie" (not their real names), the frogs were purchased....along with the smelliest food on the face of the earth...and we headed home.  I spent the rest of the evening flat on my back with my foot up....but the day was a fun one.  Bill is one of the funniest people I know.  He can tell the greatest jokes....and he was in prime form today.  I love days like this.....spending time with friends.....shoe just does not get any better.  Hope you have a great Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh!!! Newnan has a Fanatic Fanz? I did not know that! The only store I've ever seen is in Foley, and I'm not driving that far just to go shop. Newnan, though, is a different story.

    Sorry you overdid it Saturday. Maybe by tomorrow, your ankle will have started to recuperate. I so dread tomorrow...


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