
Saturday, August 7, 2010

There is Nothing Lean About This Cuisine

Larry and Betty Jean, from Rock Mills, gave us a bunch of tomatoes last week and I could not eat them fast enough.  They were getting ripe way to fast.  So, tonight I was in the kitchen cooking supper and decided I would peel a few and make tomato gravy for the cube steak and biscuits I fixed.  I thought Frank would love this new recipe....WRONG!  I had no clue that he did not like tomato gravy.  Oh well...I enjoyed it so much I thought I would share my recipe with you all.  I grew up eating this wonderful concoction.  My parents were poor when I was little...and this meal stuck to your ribs....hips, and thighs too....but it is very good.  A good friend of mine from up northern way....also ate it as a child....but they ate it on rice.  I will have to try that sometime too.  Bon Appetit!

1/4 cup bacon drippings, extra virgin olive oil, or canola oil...whatever kind you like
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups water
15 oz can of stewed tomatoes (I cut up 16 oz of fresh tomatoes)
salt and ground black pepper to taste

1.Heat bacon drippings in a skillet over medium-high heat. Stir the flour into the bacon drippings and cook, stirring constantly, until lightly browned. Slowly pour the water into the flour mixture while whisking. Whisk in the tomatoes. Cook the mixture until it begins to thicken. Reduce heat to low and simmer until thick, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.   Serve over hot biscuits.  Yum Yum!
Since I moved to Rock Mills and live around some crazy cooking women...I have taken a shine to cooking once again.  I have enjoyed the summer and the fresh veggies and cooking.  It has been great fun creating in the kitchen.  I am not a Cordon Bleu Chef...but I can hold my own in a kitchen....when I want to be there.  I am already planning my menu for my Christmas Open House.  I cannot wait to have one at the Parsonage.  It is going to be great fun.  I won't be going as all out as Amanda does for her Open House every year...but I will have some really good treats to be sampled.  If they are as good as I think they are going to be I will share the recipes with you.  I am using some of Amanda's recipes too.  She always does a cook book for whatever she has cooked that I am going to use some of the recipes that I love the best....oh yes...there will be orange balls on the list.  They are awesome.  I don't know where she got that recipe...but I am so glad she did.  I am doing Time for Children at church in the I have to work on my thoughts.  Have a great Saturday night...and blessed Sunday.


  1. Tomato Gravy is a new one on me. Just when I thought I had heard it all. Sounds delicious to me!!

  2. I love tomato gravy. This is the same recipe that my grandmother and mother used. Dean and the kids don't like it..their loss! a variation to it...add to a pot of grits, add a can of diced chili peppers, some shred sharp cheese. Put in your bowl and top with more cheese and some crumbled bacon. Wonderful! Hope you feel better soon. Gracie signed up for Spanish this year but didn't get it. Maybe next year.


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