
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A State of Randomness

If this is Tuesday then it is Random Dozen day over at 2nd Cup of Coffee and todays questions were tough.  I had several answers I could have used on a number of them....but I was good and did not want to bore you to tears.  Enjoy my responses and check out the other participants....or join in.
1. Have you, or has someone close to you, ever won an award for anything? (I just came from my dad's ceremony wherein he was given a medal of honor by the French government for service in France in WWII. Pictures to follow.) My daughter won the John Phillip Sousa band award her senior year in high school….and then followed that up with Most Outstanding Special Ed. Student at college when she was working on her Ed.S.  I was named Teacher of the Year for BRHS in 1996.

2. Who is the nearest relative to you who has served in the US Military? My husband served in the Navy during Vietnam, my dad served in the Navy during WWII. My grandfather served in the Navy during WWI.
3. Share something that stirs the patriotic spirit in you. Seeing the American flag waving in the breeze makes me cry. Seeing troups deploying at the airport makes me cry. Singing the National Anthem anywhere…especially at a ball game.
4. Where are you in the birth order in your family? Do you think your "placement" made a difference in your personality? I was the oldest until I was almost 9, then I became the only…and yes….both placements made a difference in my personality.
5. Name one trait you hope you carry that was evidenced in your parents or grandparents. Generosity- I will give you the shirt off my back if you need it….and so would my parents and grandparents.
6. If female, do you prefer wearing a skirt or pants? If male, shirt and tie or polo? I prefer pants. I can move about more comfortably in them….sometimes at school I find myself in the floor or on the ground outside.
7. Approximately how many times do you wake during the night? What do you do to go back to sleep? Some nights I never wake up and other nights once or twice and I usually just look at the clock, turn over, and I am out again. I have no trouble falling asleep.
8. Share a favorite movie quote. “I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. (from City of Angels….spoken by Nicholas Cage.) 
9. What is your favorite Fall candle scent? Anything spicy, Hazelnut, Vanilla, Pumpkin....I love the smell of candles.
10. What is one Fall activity you're looking forward to? Visiting the pumpkin patch and putting up my outdoor fall arrangement.
11. Tell us about a pleasant surprise that happened to you recently. Frank managed to get us tickets to go to a dinner with Max Lucado as he previews his newest book AND see Third Day and Michael W. Smith in concert after the dinner. I am so excited!
12. What was it like when you first met your in-laws-to-be? MIL wanted to know what I saw in her son….and if she were me…she would run. I told her I was glad she wasn’t me…cause I was planning to be around for a long time….I made points with her really quick.


  1. YOU ARE GOING TO HEAR MAX LUCADO? Has Trina ever told you how I used to buy up every book he wrote. She could not even beat me to the bookstore and her almost living next door to one. I haven't read mush of him lately, but I absolutely love his writings and there ain't nothing with his voice...or his face!! Enjoy and listen extra hard for me.

  2. I'm the same way with the Stars Spangled Banner...and seeing troops reunite with their loved ones makes me blubber like an idiot, but is absolutely beautiful!

  3. Great answers! I am so jealous that you're going to see Max Lucado!

    Hugs & love,

  4. I won the John Phillip Sousa award my senior year, too! Love "City of
    Angels" and candles. Also love that you stood up to your MIL!

  5. Congrats on getting to hear Max Ludaco! I hope you have a great time.

    I can't believe your mother in law said that to you!


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