
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Utter Randomness

My friend Linda over at 2nd Cup of Coffee was having a spot of fun this week when she announced that this was her 1,00000 Random a blogger I know it must feel that way sometimes. I know there are days when I just cannot think of anything profound to post.....but even is not the 1,000,000, but she thinks that sometimes it sure feels like it! I would love to watch her all week long--searching everywhere, over and under for any topic, looking for a suitable question. I know there have probably been some repeats, and she plainly stated there will be more because as curious as she is about everything in life, she is running on empty, Jackson Browne. But...even with her never ending search here are this week's questions.
1. Do you do garage sales? If so, tell me about one great find. If not, tell me why not.
I love the things....but if I drive by one and see nothing but clothes I don’t stop. My best find was a box of oddities that actually belonged to a friend of mine’s family member. It was full of letters from a soldier during WWII and trinkets he sent her. The her was my friend Dee’s grandmother.The soldier was her fiancee
and killed in the war. I found a picture of Dee in there as a high school senior and when I realized it was her....gave her the box. I paid a whopping $2.00 for this....and she was thrilled with the momentos of her grandmother.
2. Name the last thing you fixed. I fixed a pair of broken earrings.
3. Name your A) Favorite item of makeup OR B) Favorite tool.
Lipstick(Mary Kay Suede) is my A answer and a sledge hammer is my B answer. The sledge hammer was a gift from my ASP team one year. I cherish it. They even autographed it!
4. Which room in your home needs organizing more than any other?
My office because right now it is storing all the photos from my mom’s house.
5. Which room could use re-decorating? I live in a can do.  It comes fully loaded.
6. Share something unique about your town. There is an old sock mill and they hold auctions and trade days there a couple of times a month. The town really turns out for do people from other states.  It is a huge deal.
7. If you could send a one-sentence message to your great-grandchild, what would it be?
You are well loved little one.
8. Do you Facebook? Yes....I used to every day during the that I am back at work and making the hour long has turned into some days.  I would rather I make a daily or facebook.....blogging wins hands down.
9. Describe your favorite shoes. Yellow Boxes in whatever color I chose to wear that day. I hate to see winter come.....I will have to wear real shoes. I went to Italy several years ago...took walking shoes....and after the first day of the tour my feet felt like they weighed a of the ladies with us....wore Yellow Boxes all day and was fine....the next day I pulled mine out....wore them all day and never had another problem with tired feet.  I left my tennis shoes in Florence.  They really did weigh a ton.
10. Do you listen to more talk radio or more music radio? What kind of station is it?
I listen to music radio most of the time...I have XM in my car and listen to channel 3(Christiancontemporary), 6-7(60’s and 70’s), The Bridge - classic light rock , but I still love NPR, especially when I am going to work.
11. How far would you travel for a really good (favorite) meal?
Well, funny you should ask.  I drove toTitusville , FL one Saturday to eat at Dixie Crossroads...then drove back. It was 10 hours each way and yes, the food was worth every mile. Now....I would have to hour. I live in Rock Mills....and it is near nothing.  The closest town with restaurant 45 minutes away.
12. If you were totally honest with yourself (and us) what should you probably be doing right now instead of blogging?
Reading a book...which I will be doing as soon as I sign off here.
Happy Wednesday to All!


  1. I have no idea what boxes are, but they sound really comfortable!

  2. Love your randomness -- gosh, that restaurant should give you a free meal -- what an advertisement for them!

  3. Ok, I'm curious ... I never heard of Yellow Boxes shoes.

    What an interesting garage sale find! It's kind of sad the seller didn't offer that box first to the family members, but really neat that you were the one to find it!

  4. That was definetly a priceless garage sale find.

  5. And Happy Wednesday to you!

    I love my Yellow Box flip flops too. They are way comfortable.

    But I have to keep my tennys for running.

    Oh, and I love going to yard sales.

    Sweet dreams.

  6. Yellow Boxes? Could I find them by Google? Sounds interesting, for sure!

  7. Loved reading all your answers! I have some more questions for you over at my place!

    I miss you friend, hope you have enjoyed your summer!


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