
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday's Word - Peace

My bible reading today was from Isaiah 43:2-3:  "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…"  Today I am focusing on the fact that my inner peace and joy should not depend on the circumstances of my life. Instead, they should be based on what God has done for me.  They should be based on my personal relationship with him and his never-changing love for me. I should be realizing his all-encompassing graceand the fact that my sins have been replaced by the righteousness of Christ. No matter what challenges I may face or tragedy I may suffer, these things will never ever change.  For that one thought I am extremely relieved and grateful.  God has promised me that he will be with me in every circumstance. He has promised me that I will not be destroyed by the trials and circumstances of life. He is my Protector, my Deliverer, my loving Father.  Blessed assurance is what that is....or should I say Blessed insurance.  I have talked to you all about my singing partner/sister/cousin Amanda and her husband Randy.  Randy has ALL (it is a form of leukemia) and right now they are waiting on the bone marrow donation process to take place.  They have found the match and the match is now it is just a matter of when and what will happen after that.  I have difficulties in my life....and I am sure you do too....but right now...I am focused on them because my problems just don't seem  as big as theirs.  Since the diagnosis and treatment began in late June I have found that I am reading the Word more and more and in my readings I have found that  God has never promised us a problem-free life here on earth.  The thing we seem to miss is that although He did not promise us a problem-free life he did promise to be with us. He has promised to keep us and to comfort and help us.  Let me tell you from experience that when I am suffering, I find it is so easy to slip into despair, fear, and turmoil. It is at those times that I usually call upon my prayer warrior friends Carolyn and Kathy and instead of wallowing in my despair, with their prayers and support, focus on Jesus.  Usually after a prayer with either of these two I am not overwhelmed. The Bible tells me in Philippians 4:13 that "You can do all things through Christ."  It is knowing that one simple truth that keeps my head afloat and tells me that I truly can experience peace amidst the storm. I have that Blessed Assurance and want to tell you all about it this morning with the help of Mac Powell and Third Day.  Now all I have to ask you all this morning is...."Can I Get an Amen?"

Don't forget to visit my anniversary post and enter.  The drawing will be on October 31st at midnight.


  1. AMEN! I love Blessed "insurance"!
    I may have to snitch that one!

    Praying for Amanda and Randy as they walk this long dusty road.
    I believe God is with them (us) and will carry them.

    We will "Praise Hime In This Storm"

  2. Absolutely AMEN! Great post.

    I tagged you on my blog today if you want to play along!

    Hugs & love,

  3. amen! I'm reading the Psalms right now and this one got my "eye" this morning: Psalm 116:7 Be at rest once more O my soult for the Lord has been good to you.

    it reminded me that God is for us, not against us, he doesn't forsake nor abandon us and he is faithful, always good no matter what.

    I think it is easy when we go through tough seasons to forget that God is walking alongside us because we can get so self absorbed in our own woes. I know there have been periods of time where I had to literally write down every day in my prayer journal that God was in control and was with me and for me not against me. It did help :)

    wonderful wise words you shared today :)


  4. Amen! And AMEN again! Waiting is so hard. Praying for a good answer soon.

  5. I have also learned that if it were not for God my problems would be insurmountable. How does anyone face the things that life throws at us without His presence? The last fifteen years would have been AWFUL had I not had Him and my "sisters in Christ." That combination was a life saver.

  6. Great post! I'm so glad He goes through our struggles with us! I also love that scripture that says "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." Psalms 34:19 It doesn't say how long, but at least we know there WILL be an end.


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