
Monday, October 25, 2010

Whirlwind Sunday

Wow...what a great Sunday we had.  Church began and when it was time for announcements Betty Jean said she had one and I had to go to the front with her.  The church had a special appreciation for us and it was so sweet.  I stood there and tried not to cry and then Frank spoke and thanked them all for everything....I was so excited I spoke after all.  After church they had a luncheon for us and let me tell you the Rock Mills ladies can really cook.  Thank you sweet people of Rock Mills for making us feel so much a part of your lives.  We love you all very much!  While we were at the luncheon I really  tried to watch what I eating because at 2:30 I was going to sing at Charge Conference and I absolutely cannot eat and then sing.  We got home about 1:30, let the dog out, and then it seemed it was time for Charge Conference.  We left and got to Roanoke First UMC in time for the District Superintendant to tell me that the other singers were not going to make it and could I sing a few more.  Heck....I am a never ask us to sing a few more....I left Frank and the D.S. standing there and ran back to the house and grabbed another couple of C.D.'s to use.  The Charge Conference thing....was so long.....I sang three songs, we had communion, there was a message, a meeting, reports and we finally walked in the house at 4:30. To make it worse.....we did not have enough people we have to go to another one....or have one at our church.  Griefus....don't these people have anything better to do with their Sunday's?  What ever happened to that fine institution called the Pastoral Nap?  Sigh!   I had such big plans for this day....and they were not panning out.....we had to be at the church again at 5 for Bible Study and choir practice.  Finally home at 7.  I was so the time I packed up all my stuff for Monday at was past bedtime...yet, sleep did not come easily.  I will be tired tomorrow for sure.  Frank's sister, Ann is coming this weekend and she is a great housekeeper/cook.  I have to try and impress her.  Wish me luck.  I will spend the rest of the week checking out new recipes.


  1. Pastoral Nap: That is so funny!
    I don't like hectic Sundays...I need those so I will be rested up for the week!

  2. I am with you; I like quiet restful Sundays; at least for a good part of the day, in order to get ready for the week ahead! just reading about your Sunday made me tired (LOL)

    what a sweet gesture of your church to honor you and your husband like they did!



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