
Monday, November 1, 2010

And the Winner(s) Are..

Today marks the first day of blogging year number four.  I had a giveaway in honor of my third year of blogging and it was so much fun that I may do it again sometime.  But, last night as I got ready to draw for the winner of my anniversary give away, I thought...."You know, you have been blogging for 3 years, so you ought to give three prizes away."  So I had my sweet Frank draw three names starting with 3rd prize....and the winners are: (Drum roll please).
3rd prize - a small basket of goodies goes to -Sandyandcosmo.
2nd prize - a small basket of goodies goes to - Amandawk
Grand prize - the feature basket goes to - Ms Marty (pictured on the left)
I will be contacting the three of you today and getting a snail mail address so I can get your baskets in the mail.  I have had a great three years blogging and cannot wait for the next three.  Happy Blogging to All!


  1. Karen, I CAN NO BELIEVE THAT I ACTUALLY WON THAT WONDERFUL BASKET. I am so excited. Tell Frank thank you a hundred times over. It is just what I needed.

    I want to do a give away, but I am not so sure how. Maybe you can teach me.

    Again, Thank You, Thank You.

  2. happy blog-anniversary! and congrats to the winners!!!


  3. Yep Happy Blogiversary! And Congratulations winners!
    until next time... nel

  4. Yea, Mom!!! She is SO excited to be the grand prize winner. :)

  5. YAY for the winners!
    Congratulations again on the blogiversary!


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