
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Children Go Where I Send Thee

I have always had a fear that if I accepted God's call he would send me to Africa.  I have never had a desire to go there.  Selfish as it may sound I have done mission work in the Appalachians in some areas that were like third world countries, I have done mission work in Central America and Mexico....I have just never heard God calling me to be a missionary abroad....and I have been ok with that.  But, that is not true for everyone in this world.  There are many people who DO get that calling.  My friend Christy has a mission and I think it is a noble and worthy one that deserves some mention  She sent me a request on my facebook and I just had to tell you about it.  "Can you PLEASE share my link about the sponsorship program I'm doing in the Witchcraft village that I'm moving into? It's just $100 for an entire YEAR! I just posted it on my page, I just need some help spreading the word :) Have any questions that I didn't answer in the blog post? Let me know!"  Click here to go to her blog.  She has only been blogging a short time and already has over a 100 followers.  Way to go Christy!  I truly believe that she is listening to what God is telling her about her life and not only listening....but doing.  Don't want to follow the link?  Not a problem.  I am going to tell you a little bit about what you will find out there and let you know her heart.
Here's what you need to know about sponsoring a child in the Bugabo Village:  Cost - $100 will cover tuition, uniform, shoes, school supplies, a meal during school, and medical/dental visits (as needed) for one year. I would prefer the payment in a lump sum. However, if you can only pay monthly, let me know so we can work out the details.Child - I will get pictures and profiles of the children when I get to the village and will post them in an album on Facebook. The profiles will tell you specifics about the child (name, sex, age, parent(s) names, favorite sport, how many brothers/sisters, what they want to be when they grow up, favorite color, favorite food(s), and favorite animal) and this info will be listed in the caption of each photo. You can then comment under the child you (or your family) chooses. If you are not friends with me on Facebook, add me by clicking on the badge in the right hand column : )  Communication - I will be right there in the village, so communication with your child will be as often as you want to check in with him/her. This will be in addition to the normal communication - exchanging actual letters, and pictures with him/her when I come to visit the States. I also have a brand new laptop that some friends bought for my ministry that has a webcam on it, and have been daydreaming about the children using Skype to communicate with their sponsors. This is something I think your family would really enjoy, especially if you have little ones at home.
Concerns - God has just recently revealed to me what my ministry is for Him. Due to this, I do not have a 501(3)c to make your donations tax deductible at this time, but I am praying about when I can do that. Until then, if you are more comfortable donating to an organization that will give you a tax deduction for your donation, please leave me a comment and I will give you suggestions. Please note that the Bugabo Village sponsorship is only $100/year and the other organizations are usually a monthly commitment of $30-40/month. You can sponsor by going to her blog and clicking on the "Donate" button in the right column or by sending a check to:
Christie Cotney
PO Box 401
Alabaster, AL 35007
This is an amazing young woman and I am very proud of her desire to step out of her comfort zone and do mission work with such great passion.  If you don't want to be a least say a prayer for her.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, sister! I had to pause for a moment after the first two sentences. I recalled the time where I asked God to send me anywhere but there. Anywhere but there, Lord. Yeah, and that's RIGHT where He is sending me.

    I LOVE that you called me a friend instead of a former student (although it was just Cinder Staff), hehe! Thanks for being a voice to the voiceless. Praising Him for you today, sister!


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