
Monday, November 22, 2010

Oh What a Night...and Day

...and no it was not late December back in 63.  It was mid November 20th in 2010.  We had a hectic day yesterday....we got up early(5 a.m.)...drove 2.5 hours to Warner Robins, GA to meet Alan's new wife, Annie. The plan was to meet at Kelly's house.  Kelly is Alan's sister and she and her husband, Ronnie live in Warner Robins.  Alan currently is living in Savannah where he is stationed....but only for a few more days.  December 10th, he and Annie will be moving to Hawaii.  Talk about a great honeymoon....four years in Oahu.  We had an awesome visit with the group and fell in love with Annie.  She is a doll and has a great sense of humor!  Everything Frank dished out...she dished right back.  What a girl!  We had lunch at a Mexican restaurant and spent two hours swapping stories...what a fun day.  About 1 our time we headed back to Alabama because we had a 4 p.m. dinner invitation.  Since I did not have time to cook anything to take and I refuse to go anywhere empty we stopped at Kroger's Bakery in Newnan and picked up a scrumptious looking caramel cake.  We made it to the dinner with time to spare.  What a great day it with all good things......then it happened....about 2:30 I woke up from a terrible dream where our doxie, Beau, was dead.  I actually did wake up to check on him and he was sleeping sweetly at the foot of the was the amount of food we had.....back to sleep....and about an hour later....I awoke a second time...thinking I had heard Frank's fire alarm thing go off....and that our house was on fire and we were trapped inside.....I looked around again....nothing.....THEN...about 4:15...I dreamed our choir special for today...was the song I was singing as a Thanksgiving special.  I had worked so hard on this song all week...and could not believe that I didn't remember it was the choir I got up at 4:30....and learned a new song...just in case.  When I got to church....I was relieved to find original song was NOT the choir special...and I could sing it....and sing it I did...the lyrics were perfect for today's Thanksgiving service.  The song was "Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me"...and it is by the Easter brothers.  I think it is humorous that the EASTER brothers wrote such a great THANKSGIVING song.  Anyways...the lyrics are as follows:

While the world looks upon me as I struggle along
And they say I have nothing but they are so wrong
In my heart I'm rejoicing how I wish they could see
Thank you Lord for Your blessings on me
Verse 2
There's a roof up above me I've a good place to sleep
And there's food on my table and shoes on my feet
You gave me Your love Lord and a fine family
Thank you Lord for Your blessings on me
Verse 3
I know I'm not wealthy and these clothes they're not new
And I don't have much money but Lord I have you
And that's all that matters though the world may not see
Thank you Lord for Your blessings on me
Repeat #2
Great words huh?  Well...I was singing my heart out...with my eyes closed, playing my guitar...and I went to repeat #2 when it happened.   I did something that all singers dread....I dropped a the verse that should have been "there is food on my table"...came out..."there's shoes on my table".....and I could not do anything but finish the line...."and shoes on my feet......gross huh?  I almost laughed out loud...and smiled a huge smile...and there were some giggles from the I knew...yep... they were listening....the only person who wasn't....was Frank....he missed the whole faux paux.  I told him what I had done...and when he took the pulpit he commented that it was a really a statement made by me about his cooking....that almost brought the house down.  I took a lot of ribbing the rest of today about the shoes on my table line...sigh...that is what I get for singing with my eyes closed.  The day progressed from shoes on the eating "sole" food.  I love it when I can laugh at myself.  We went to lunch at Gedney's(our favorite lunch hangout on Sunday's) with the gang, then at 2:30 did the Williamsburg Manor I nursing home service and had church at was a full day.....a typical day in the life of a preacher.....I have to admit when I headed to bed last night I was still chuckling about my shoes...griefus girl!  Hope you have a wonderful Monday...we only have two days this week and then we are out for the holidays.....thank goodness!   I am so ready for a break!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip, dreams and all. Love the song, now I have it in my head. Even the shoes on the table.

  2. Wow -- after those dreams -- no wonder you had "shoes on the table" -- Happy Monday

  3. Oh, those dreams! Don't you just hate it when you dream like that?
    You should post yourself singing...I'd love to hear it!

  4. Bahahahahaha!!!! That is on the table. :)

    Oh, and it sounds like you've been having some of my dreams.


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