
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Telling On Myself

I was sitting here this morning trying to decide what I was going to write about today.  It is Thursday and I am brain dead.  I have one more full day this week and two next week and then I am out for Thanksgiving....Whoooo Hoooo!  As I sat here today I thought about prompts...and nothing I put it aside and took care of planning my school day.  A few minutes hit me.....I knew what I would post about...several years ago....possibly 10+....Kat and I went on a Pacific Northwest trip with some good friends.   There were 6 of us in a Suburban and in a period of 15 days we covered 9600 miles.  It was awesome!  One of the others could not stay with us the whole time and so they were going to fly back from Missoula, Montana.....problem arrived when the ticket did not get to us before we problem....a neighbor was going to get it and send it on to a town where there was only one zip code.....baddah bing....Gillette, WY would be our place.  This was a cheap trip.  We slept six in one room....two on each bed...and two on sleeping bags on the floor.  Everyone slept on the floor every third night.  What fun!  In Gillette, WY....which by the way is near Devil's rock from Close Encounters of a Third Kind....we went to get a motel.....and there were none....because it was the annual cattle least none of the nice ones....the kind I like to stay in....heck there was not even a Motel 6 available.....Tom Bodette was not leaving the light on for us that night.  We finally found a the Mustang Motel.  The registration guy asked if we wanted to look at it first.....WARNING!...then he asked if we wanted it for an hour?....or for the night?  WARNING AGAIN!!!!!!  Our room was a suite (can you hear me snickering?)  There were bullet holes in the walls....BULLET HOLES!  I was not sleeping on the floor....the fact that it was a suite meant it had three beds in it.....whew....we pulled all the bedding off and brought in sleeping bags which we laid on the sleep on.  The tub and sink were rusted through....the trains behind the motel loaded cattle on all night long.  We got up the next morning....checked out....while Randy took care of that....we sat in the rain with the car running....when....out of the blue....someone passed gas.  I am not talking about a little gas....I am talking about light up New York City gas....and I....the drama queen with a weak stomach....began to gag....I gagged so much I got out of the car and heaved at the side of the car.  When I got back in the car and we drove to Hardee's to brush our teeth and eat breakfast......Kat took me aside and told me she was ashamed of my hystrionics.  She went on to inform me that I needed to apologize for my extreme behavior.  I stood there shocked...I could not believe it!  When we got ready to head to Missoula's airport...I told the group I was sorry for my behavior......secretly....I wanted Kat to experience the discomfort first hand....and my wish was granted later in the day.  Moral of the story.....if you are traveling....and something like this happens to you.....roll the window down....or give a warning.  We had a great trip....all 9600 miles of it.  I would do it again if I could.  I have been many places since then....but that will always be one of my most favorite moments.....even if I was a drama queen brat!


  1. Oh we had a trip like that when my boys were younger! One of the about killed me!

    It does sound like such a fun trip!

    Hugs & love,

  2. Oh, that is so funny! Why is it that any story is funnier when the expelling of bodily gasses is involved?
    That is so neat that you had the opportunity to do that!

  3. That was a great trip. I hate that I had to leave so soon. Next trip we take like that we'll have to take more than one vehicle and have the "offender" ride in the other when "they" have had salad. :)


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