
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving....What Am I Thankful for?

The sun is not up.  The Korb household is quiet....except for the tapping of keys on the computer.  I thought before it got crazy here I would share my soul with you again.  Today is Thanksgiving and tons of emotions are running through me at the moment.  I want to let you know what I am truly thankful for this morning....technically it is morning even if the sun is not up....right?  1.  I am thankful for my family first of all.  I have a wonderful husband who is so loving, tenderhearted, and kind.  I am thankful for Amy and her husband Steven.  When I married her dad she was the greatest gift Frank could have ever bestowed on me....a daughter....and one with red hair.  I did not get to have any part of Amy's childhood but I am thankful today for the times we do have together and I am looking forward to many more. 

I am thankful for Kat and Brian.  She is my ray of sunshine and hope.  She makes my darkest days bright again and always has.  I love spending time with them....they are so much fun.  I am thankful for their hearts and their love of God. 

I am thankful for Eric and his family and Jenifer and hers.  I am glad that I was allowed to walk in their life paths while I was married to their father.  I hope they know I will always love them.  I am thankful for my mom.  Sometimes I am not sure who she is....heck sometimes I am not sure she knows who I am....but she is still there.....and she is my momma....and I am thankful for her.
2.  I am thankful for a wonderful house to call home.  I am thankful to have food on my table (shoes sometimes), clothes on my back...and of course shoes on my feet(lots and lots of those).
3.  I am thankful for Rock Mills and a wonderful congregation who loves us. Somedays I feel as if I have lived here forever. I am thankful that they allowed me to become a porch person.  I am loving sitting on porches visiting and watching cars pass.  Believe does not get much better than this.
4.  I am thankful that both Frank and I have jobs that we love.  In this unsteady time it is a good thing to have a job.  When I moved to Rock Mills in June people did not understand why I did not transfer to Randolph Co.....believe me....with DON"T give up a job you already have for one you may not keep...especially when you are as close to retirement as I am. 
5.  I am thankful for my friends...all of them.  I am thankful for the ones I have had since I was a child.  I am thankful for the ones I have at work(they keep me sane).  I am thankful for the ones I have made since I moved to Alabama.  I am thankful for old friends, new friends, and friends I have yet to make.  I am thankful for my bloggie buddy's.  I am thankful for my Rock Mills friends. 
6.  I am thankful that I live somewhere safe.  I do not have to worry about North Koreans bombing me tonight.  I can worship my God where I want to on Sunday.  I don't live somewhere where military presence(with big guns) is a way of life.  Today, I am thankful to be an American and I am thankful to the military personel who keep these things readily available for me. 
7.  I am thankful for a God who has given me such great bounty.
Happy Thanksgiving to All!  Have a great day with your families! XOXO Karen


  1. That's a great list, Karen!

  2. Karen,
    How I long for the day I can become the kind of blogger you are. You write so effortless and so beautifully. Even though we have never met, physically that is, I feel like I have known you forever. Here's hoping your Thanksgiving day was wonderful - mine has been so far.


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