
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Writing is a Passion of Mine

You all know I am a journal writer.  I have kept journals since I was a child (I think back then we called them diaries).  I found a blog I like to go to every now and then to refresh myself called The Simple Woman's Daybook.  It's subtitle says it all.....where every day is a blank page.  That is how I feel each and every morning....and that is a good thing.  I love the fact that I can get up every morning and know I have a whole day to write.  Everyday I can write a love story thanks to my darling Frank.  He is the whipped cream on my Caramel Machiato.  Some days I can write a sad story....especially when things are not good with my mom, or someone I know is hurting.  Some days, escpecially at school I can write a a few weeks ago when we went into lock-down because a prisoner escaped from the local jail and was headed our way.  Life is never is all in how God and you write it.  Enjoy my daybook entries for today. Happy Tuesday.

Outside my window construction men are working on our boy's gyms facelift.  I can hear their machines making that funny beeping back up noise.  There is a delivery being made at the cafeteria, which is also outside my room, and the truck is backing up....but his sounds like birds chirping.  Some rescue vehicles just went down Cherokee Rd.  I don't know what kind because I can only HEAR them. The view from my room is the side of the gym.....period.
I am thinking that in two days we will have a mini vacay (one day) for Veteran's Day and Frank and I will spend the whole day together.
I am thankful for a loving God, good friends, and family.....oh yes, and that right now I have a job.  Proration in the state will strike again to the tune of 700 million dollars.
From the learning rooms I hear teachers laughing, coffee being poured, computer keys typing, all the general sounds of the beginning of a school day.
From the kitchen earlier I smelled the aroma of  Mary's husband Bill cooking breakfast for the two of us and making our lunches.  I spend the night with them on Monday night so I can go to Bible Study and not have to drive home after nine.  I think my Monday night husband is all right. 
I am wearing my new grey pants from Dress Barn...and I wish I had bought them in every color, my new pretty black top from the Coldwater Creek outlet....and I did buy it in both colors, black loafers, and grey socks.
I am creating a virtual picture of me right now.
I am going to work on lesson plans in a bit and see my mom this morning so I can get home right after school.  I miss Frank when I am away.
I am reading The Hat Box by Patsy Clairmont.
I am hoping to retire in a few years....but for now I am hoping to keep my job for the next year after all is said and done with job cuts.  I would like to be able to retire from here in four more years.
I am hearing more and more people in the hall and the clanking of keys as they come in.
Around the house there are Beau toys scattered everywhere, a project set up in the music room, dirty clothes begging to be washed in the basket, and stuff that needs to be put away.
One of my favorite things is the smell of fall cooking (cinnamon, spices, vanilla)
A few plans for the rest of the week:  I am going to do Youth at church on Weds. night, build a fire pit with Frank and Thursday, visit some of the shut ins at our church, work, finish up some projects of my own.
Here is the picture I thought I would share:  It was made in Mackinac Island back in June.


  1. It sounds like the beginnings of a blessed day. I love Mackinac Island. Being here in Michigan it's a favorite, but expensive, getaway!

    Hugs & love,

  2. Is that Queen Anne's Lace?
    I don't believe I have visited here before but found many reasons to return. I want to get to know you better and hear more about your life.
    So, I'm going to add you to my list and follow when I can.
    I love Coldwater is my favorite place to the outlet.
    Mama Bear

  3. Rock on sister!!! I used to keep a journal....but now I blog, lol! Perhaps I should still though??

    Waves to Mimi on my way out...

  4. How pretty the Queen Anne's Lace is. I'm so behind in getting around this week -- but I wanted to thank you for your visit to my table last week and to tell you that I've set the table this week with the lovely lacey cloth you sent me -- It's a very special setting with my mother's china and the topper was perfect.


Leave me some blogger love with your comments.