
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

If It Is Wednesday Then This Must Be A Hodgepodge!

 The questions this week are mostly inspired by the holidays:

1. What does it mean to have the 'holiday spirit'?  I think it means being filled with joy and wonder - you seeing Santa for the first time.  It also means showing love to people that you didn't show throughout the year....although I don't understand why we can't have that Christmas spirit 365 days a year.
2. What sits atop your tree (s)? Why?
A star because it was a star that shown over the manger in bethlehem and I love the whole concept of the star....and the light it gives.
3. When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back?
Sunday after the Open House.  My daughter was asked by one of the Rock Mills ladies if she cooks better than I do, I was just outside the room and heard her answer, "yes!"....well...she does cook better than I do....BUT I set a beautiful table!  We can't all be Martha Stewarts.
4. Which of your senses is most sensitive this time of year?
I would have to say smell. I love the smells of the pine, peppermint, spices, and wassail on the stove.
5. What do you have too much of in your kitchen?
This one is would be tupperware/plasticware.  Before my dad died my mom bought me a set of a gazillion pieces of plasticware and I hardly use it.  I have taken some to the church for people to use when they want to take leftovers home from a church dinner.  It seems to be like rabbits and multiplies often.
6. What do you do for meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Big meal?
Up until this year Still Magnolias met for Christmas Eve breakfast at Cracker Barrel and we exchanged our gifts....but since Randy is in the hospital we won't be doing that this year.  Christmas Day we would go to Amanda's for family brunch....but not this year because of Randy....and then Kat and Brian would come to our house for Christmas evening game night and chili.....This year we are having a Christmas Eve come and go Communion service at the church and Frank and I will be there.  Missi and Clay are coming sometime that evening after Clay gets off and then Christmas Day night we are all going to the treehouse (Amanda's) to be together....Randy of course won't be there....but new baby Tommy will be and we are so excited.  Kat and Brian will come sometime Christmas Day and we will have our family time and cook our food for that night.  We have been invited to a Christmas Day breakfast at the Towler family.  Marcie and her husband Tracy cook....sounds like fun. I like making new traditions.
7. What is the best thing about winter?
Getting in my jammies, wrapping up in a blanket, watching old movies or reading.
8.  My random thought for today is:  What is your favorite gift to get at Christmas....and why? 
People think I am one of the hardest people to buy for....mainly because I don't go around saying....ohhhh I want that.  If I want something....I get it....nuff said....BUT....I LOVE getting ornaments,

(the red apple on the right is one that some students did for me one year.  The entire class signed a plastic red touching.  It is over 15 years old and one of my most cherished pieces.)  I love getting homemade things (you know scarves, paintings students did), whimsical and blinging pins (especially ones that can be made into necklaces), and smelly candles.  I have some friends who live in North Alabama...they have themed trees in every room...but the room that interests me most is the one where they made ornaments out of every pin they ever got from a student (they both taught for over 30 years).  They never threw away any pin...even if it broke...and lovingly made ornaments from them all.  They are housed on a seven foot tree and the tree is covered.  Of course, I teach high school and we don't get gifts from our kids like elementary teachers do....but that tree is awesome....believe me. Have a great Wednesday.  Tomorrow starts finals here...woooo hooooo.


  1. I love the teacher tree~what a wonderful idea!

  2. I don't know why my plasticware bowls multiply while the lids disappear! : )

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. The tree is my favorite part of Christmas because of my ornaments.

    Hugs & love,

  4. Enjoyed your answers. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.
    until next time... nel

  5. I did this blog hop today..not much hopping, though.
    By the way, my Auburn flag is still hanging out front..I told Honey Bear before the SEC Championship game I was leaving it up until afterward...then they won so now it has to stay up until the National game...guess my Season's Greetings flag won't get put out this year.
    Mama Bear

  6. Nice post Karen...
    I love getting ornaments too...and I like the Cracker Barrel tradition to exchange ornaments...
    then you can just leave all the mess for them to clean up!
    Merry Christmas,
    Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  7. Just dropped by for my "Karen" fix. Merry Christmas! I hate that I'll miss you this weekend at the Arbor.
    Please give sweet Frank a hug from the Wendlings!!!


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