
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Moments In Life That Take Your Breath Away

We got home from Winter Xtreme a couple of hours ago.  After we delivered all our charges safely home, to parents, or to their vehicles we unpacked and headed to our sweet Shirley and Denney Pounds house.  While we were gone their 19 year old granddaughter died tragically in a wreck in the Prattville area.  It broke my heart when Frank told me this at our last bathroom stop on the trip home.  We were in Sweetwater, TN and my heart to think of how they were feeling....and I was not there to hug them both tightly.  We got to their house and hugged them and sat down and ate a wonderful supper of Ms Betty Jeans mac and cheese (to me that is the best comfort food in the world)...and Ms. Jean's chicken casserole. The meal was yummy after three days of pizza.  We left there and went to pick up the dog from my dear friend Marian who graciously kept him while we were gone.  She is a love and Beau loves her dearly.  She spoils him unmercifully.  Today, on our trip back....the kids were asleep in my car....and I was wishing I could join them....Stiles had put my radio on a current country music station (I don't listen to it much....I am into classic rock and contemporary Christian)....but a song came on....and it touched me so I had to post about it.  You will have to wait for my pictures of Gatlinburg until tomorrow.  I came home and found the lyrics....and after you read them I have a story to tell you.  The song is entitled. "Take Your Breath Away" and it is done by George Strait.  It goes like this:
He looks up from second base
Dad's up in the stands
He saw the hit, the run,the slide
There ain't no bigger fan.
In the parking lot
After the game he said
"Dad i thought you had a plane to catch"
He smiled and said "Yeah son, I did."
But life's not the breaths you take
Breathin' in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain't what it's all about
You just might miss the point
Tryin' to win the race
Life's not the breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away
Fast forward fifteen years
And a thousand miles away
Boy's built a life, he's got a wife
And a baby due today
He hears a voice sayin'
"I made it, son."
He said "I told you dad, you didn't have to come"
He smiles and says, "Yeah, I know you did."
But life's not the breaths you take
Breathin' in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain't what it's all about.
You just might miss the point
Tryin' yo win the race
Life's not the breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away
Just like it took my breath
when she was born
Just like it took my breath away
When dad took his last that morn
Life's not the breaths you take
Breathin' in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain't what it's all about
You just might miss the point
If ya don't slow down the pace
Life's not the breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away.
My mantra is:  Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take....but the moments that take your breath away....and believe me over my 56 years I have had my fair share of moments that have taken my breath away.  The youth choir I sang with, New Dawn went on tour and my cousin Jerry, and my parents appeared at one of my concerts....unexpected.  They didn't have to...but they did.  The day my daughter was born was one of those moments....I looked at the tiny bundle and she reached up and grabbed my finger...and squeezed my heart  The day my daughter graduated from college with her B.S., Masters, and Ed.S.  The day Frank asked me to be his wife.  The day Frank married me.  Franks first sermon at Waverly.  The first time Frank's daughter, Amy,  hugged me....and told me she loved me.  The day that Kat and Brian and Amy and Steven married.  Singing with Still Magnolias.  Singing in the Arbor Praise Band when we did O Happy Day and Shackles for the first time.  When the congregation stood when the Praise Band sang Awesome God.  Opening for George Jones.  Holding Drew, Wheeler, and Jax for the first tme.  Fishing and shooting with my dad.  None of these moments can be bought with money....they are those moments....the ones you live for....the ones that take your breath away.  They may not seem like much to you....but they cannot be purchased and they mean the world to me.  So, as 2010 closes out....I wish you all many of those moments...when your breath is taken away from you.....God Bless You All!


  1. One of my FAVORITE songs! I love, love, love it!

  2. What a beautiful song!! Thank you for sharing it!

    So sorry to hear about your friend's granddaughter. So sad and tragic. I know you must have been a huge comfort to them.

    Big hugs!


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