
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday Hodgepodge on Thursday

I had planned to do this yesterday....but Happy Birthday to Randy trumped this one.  But then....I live in the South and we walk to our own drum beat down better late than never.
1. What is the most interesting thing you've done in the last year?  Crossed Michigan off of my list.  I now am only lacking 2 of the United States to have all 50.

2. What is your most meaningful family heirloom?
I actually have that is mine....I have my grandfather's old tater bug mandolin.  I am starting mandolin lessons....but Frank got me an A-style mandolin to learn on.  I don't know if the tater bug would hold up.

...and one that is mine and Franks.  When Frank asked me to marry engagement ring was his mom's.  It is such a special piece.  Every time I put it on I feel as if Frank's mom is with me. 
3. What food festival would you most like to attend?
I want to go to an Oktoberfest. The real one in Germany but will settle for the one Ms. Marty talks about in Cullman.
4. you love it or is it considered a four letter word where you live?
I live in Alabama....when it snows stops.  I love to look at snow. Especially when we don't have school. There's just something about the disruption of the schedule, drinking hot chocolate, and the peacefulness of it all that I truly do love.  Driving in it....not so much.....but I prefer snow to ice.
5. Can you ski? Do you ski? Are you any good?
I tried to ski once many years ago. I never got off of the bunny slope either.  I really did not like it.  I did not have control.....and it does nothing for me.  I did however, like the buttered rum in the lodge by the fire....that was pretty nice.
6. What quality in your spouse or best friend are you most thankful for?
His kindness.  Frank is one of the kindest people I know.  I wish you could see him around the residents at the nursing home....and small children at church....sometimes I feel like I could bust with pride when I see him hug one of them....or better yet....pray with is so touching.
7. Describe the coziest spot in your home.
Let me see....when it is past 9 at night...there's my bed, which I absolutely love to crawl into. Prior to 9 at night....there is the couch in the den.  I have a sherpa throw and that couch...and it is like there are drugs in the couch...I am out like a light.  I especially like it when I am watching cheesy Christmas movies...and the tree lights are on.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Do you do bows on your packages?  If you do...are they the stick on kind...or do you do your own?  I do use the stick on complete a concept.....but for the most part....I make my own bows and have for years.  I love making bows.  I even go to a friends house and make bows for her!  I enjoy the heck out of creating a bow.
Have a great Thursday!


  1. I absolutely love my bed, too. I think it's my favorite spot in the world, but I don't say it much because I'm afraid I'll suddenly get bedridden with illness or make someone without a bed feel bad. But if she's without a bed, she's probably not reading my blog. Anyway, thanks for commenting on the winter weather post. Can't believe you are having that kind of weather where you are. Brrr.

  2. Once more, Karen, you have made me feel a lot better. Not that I was feeling bad, but I feel much better after reading your post. I always do. You are so gifted. You should be a motivational speaker after retirement. I am serious. I am sure there a lot of ladies' retreats that would love you.

  3. My bed is my coziest place also. I feel so blessed to have it!

    I love snowy days when I can sit inside, sip hot cocoa and read. I hate ice, though!

  4. I cannot make a bow to save my life! Some of my packages end up with no the bags!

    How great is it that your ring from Frank was his mother's! Something to truly cherish!

  5. Our answers were so incredibly similar! Maybe someday we'll get to Oktoberfest in Germany!

  6. I love family heirlooms. We have my great-grandmother's Duncan Phyfe (sp??) sofa, and I have a family ring that was hers as well.

    We ARE going to the Cullman Oktoberfest with Mom next year!!! Mom, Dad, you, Frank, John, and's a DATE!!!

    I remember the "Mr. Frank" stories from the Jacob's Ladder kids at FUMC. :) He has that personality that makes everyone feel at ease.


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