
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Angels Among Us

 I am very blessed.  I have numerous angels in my life.  I have a wonderful husband who is an angel...most of the time.  He can do the most precious things and have the cutest smile when he does them.  He takes good care of me and I adore him.  I have an angel daughter and son-in-law who have the sweetest spirits I know.  They have such a heart for others and for Christ.  Frank has an angel daughter also..she and her husband have a great gift of humor and compassion for animals.  They have rescued several pups and I love them for that.  I have great old friends who have always been there when I needed them....even if it was just for a quick hug or a prayer.  I have a group of newer friends that I am collecting in Rock Mills.  Last night we went over to Beth and Ron's....Beth is the pianist at Rock Mills and she plays so an angel.  I have actually looked at her on Sunday mornings when she is engrossed in her music and have seen a bright glow coming off of her.  I know that she is truly a soldier of Christ.  She and Ron both are.  They are such loving people and I am so glad they are now in my circle of dear friends.  Anyways, last night I discovered that Beth collects angels.  I love them too...but have never had a desire to collect them....and since I am participating in Project 365 I keep my camera handy.....well she had a few of many that I just had to share with you.
When I saw this little angel standing all alone in the corner, the song, "O Come Angel Band" went through my head and I was reminded of Aunt Shirley.  That was the song we sang at her funeral back in March.  Aunt Shirley loved angels too and my mom was always looking for an unusual one for her.  She would have loved Beth's collection I know.  Aunt Shirley was my second mom....and I believe with all my heart that she is one of those angels watching me right now.  She was always there watching me when I was younger.  I know there have been many times in my life when I am for certain that without those angels showing me the way....I would have never made it.  God has truly blessed me with these special people. 

I am a big folk art fan and LOVED this angel.  She has such a sweet expression on her face.  When I saw her I began humming the song, "Sweet Sweet Spirit."  It is amazing what can bring a tune to my head.  I loved the colorations on her skirt and the little houses and blue birds.  She was an inviting angel.  I have several real life inviting angels in my circle.  They are the ones that always make me feel wanted and at home.  My friend, Mary and her husband, Bill, let me stay over with them on Monday nights after Bible Study so I don't have to drive home so late.  On Tuesday mornings Bill gets up and fixes my lunch and cooks me breakfast.  He is my Monday husband.  It is fun to get up, smell sausage or bacon cooking, and hear Bill puttering around in the kitchen.  I have countless friends in Alex City who have said I am welcome to stay with them any time.  That is what this angel represented to opening of the door to a home and an invitation to come in and sit a spell.  Like the Beverly Hillbillies song, "sit a spell, take your shoes off..." 

This one is my favorite angel.  She is an older lady can tell by the placement of her "girls."  She is wearing pearls and there is nothing I think of as more classic than a simple strand of pearls (unless it is a single strand of pearls and a black dress).  She is standing next to the words to Amazing Grace and even though that is not her is the name I dubbed her with last night.  She has such a sassy little face and when I saw her I thought...."now that is what I am going to look like in heaven!"  I will be the sassy one, wearing pearls, and having low hanging "girls"...yep...I must say that will be me.....I will also be the one sliding in going..."wow what a ride!"  Do you have angels in your life?  If so, what makes them an angel for you?  I would love to know so tell me about it in a comment.  Happy Tuesday.


  1. What great pictures! I love having angels among us.

    Hugs & love,

    PS, love the new design!

  2. I have a collection of Willow Tree Angels in the bathroom, most were given to me by friends...I didn't mean to collect them it just happened. On the sink is a frosted angel that was Mother's...Daughter received an Angel in a present at Christmas time and she gave it to me..I have put it in our bedroom...I don't collect Angels, though.
    I like the folk art one..It looks like a Jim Shore figurine..But I especially like the older lady one..she is unique.
    Mama Bear

  3. Love all the angels!! I don't collect them either, but I love looking at them. Thank you for sharing them with us!


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