
Friday, January 21, 2011

The Best Laid Plans....

Last night was bowling night and it is always a late night.  Frank and I were excited to be bowling the Lake Four group....we love the Henry's and McAlisters.  They are such sweethearts and we enjoy them.  At the fifth frame of the third game Frank's phone was my friend Mary and she told us to check my phone.  I discovered a missed call from Adam's Dementia Unit.  My mom had fallen, had a big knot on her head, and was taken to Russell Medical Center for x-rays.  I could not get out of the bowling alley fast enough....we got to the ER and there was my room 10....all alone.  You can imagine if you know me at all....the beatings began in my mind before we left Idletime.  She was sleeping and the Rad Tech came in and spoke with us about the pictures they had taken....the nurse popped in and asked, "Did the nursing home not call you?"  Again....I began silently beating myself.  BTW....I am wearing my phone as we speak....and on sound....not vibrate or silent.  I pulled a chair up next to my mom and held her hand while she slept.  People wandered in and out....I sat in agony....Frank went out to the car and they came to get my mom to make a hip xray.  When she returned they gave me some good news...she had the bone density of a much younger woman.  The ER doctor came in....gave us his know....ER doctors have very little bedside manner.  This man was as dry as they come.  They finally read the xrays....and sent her back to Adams...and we headed back to Rock Mills.  What a night.  It was 1:30 this morning before I laid my head on my pillow and closed my eyes.....5 would come early....and it did.  I have bus duty this week so there was no extra sleep for me.  I WAS planning on scrapbooking tonight with Sundra at Rocky Creek....but I think I am making a date with my pillow.  I went to see her this morning and talked to the Infection Control Nurse....they have hooked my mom up to a warning monitor...anytime she sits or lays....she will wear this....and it will alarm if she tries to get up.  I brought her old faithful black shoes home with me and took out her New Balance tennis shoes.  They are going to check her meds this morning.....and the five Ensure Boosts a day she is taking have been working...I have to buy her a size 12....the size 8/10's are too small.  YEAH!  My bright spot for the day.  Frank, Marcie, Sherry and I are working at the house I really do need some sleep.  Pray I make it through the day....right now I feel as if I am running on fumes.  Have a Blessed Friday.  I can't wait to share my pictures with you tomorrow!  I have been a busy bee.


  1. What a blessing that she was not more seriously hurt. I'll be praying.

    Hugs & love,

  2. Glad your mom wasn't seriously hurt.


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