
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Navigating a Life Interrupted...I Am A Jonah

I am feeling a touch of crud and a bit blue this morning.....there is no sunshine is cold, wet, and could be could be snowing, icing, or tornadic...but it is just the kind of weather that makes you want to roll over and go back to sleep.  Unfortunately....that was not a choice I could make this morning.  I have to work.  I DID spend the night with Mary and Bill last night....we started our new bible study....and oh my is it going to be a good one.  The study is called Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted by Pricilla Shirer.  She is so dynamic...and her book is even better.  I learned last night that interrupted lives are probably an accurate desciptor for everyone.  No matter how deliberate we plan....something always comes along and messes with OUR plans.  Yep, interruptions come in all sizes and shapes.  No matter how hard I try to avoid them....they are there....lying in wait for me....and sending me into a tail spin most times.  In the past 18 months my life has definitely been interrupted.  I moved to Rock Mills, I left the Praise Band, My mom was placed in a dementia unit and we have had many ups and downs there, my cousin's husband was diagnosed with ALL, ....yep...interruptions all over the place.  I have to admit...there have been a number of times when I just wanted to throw up my hands and run....just like Jonah.....but....then last night...sitting in the safety of my special Bible Study group....I learned something very valuable....these are NOT interruptions.....they ARE Divine Interventions.  God is sending me somewhere I don't necessarily want to that I will turn to Him and allow Him to control my life.  Wow...If I learned that much last night...I can't wait to go back and learn more. I am a Jonah..."I want to serve long as it is convenient.  I desire to do His will....until it is a tad uncomfortable.  I want to hear His long as its message is one I'm supposed to pass on to someone else.  I don't want to have my plans interrupted.  Oh yes, I am a Jonah, and I suspect that in one way or another, you are too."  So let me ask you this morning....Have your life plans ever been interrupted?  Have you ever run from God?....if you answered yes to either or both of these questions....guess are a Jonah too.  I want to share this study with on Tuesdays for the next seven weeks I am going to pass on to you the nuggets of truth I learn every Monday night.  I hope you will stop by and enjoy the journey with me.  Happy Tuesday Whereever you are.

1 comment:

  1. We are thinking of doing this study next in our women's bible study. so I am very interested in what you think of the study!! Right now we are doing Faithful, Abundant and True which beth Moore, Kay Arthur and Priscilla Shirer did far it is AWESOME!!!


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