
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Project 365 - Week 1

I have a new passion and it comes from it comes from Sara over at Make Music From Your Heart To The Lord  called Project 365.  I am so excited.  This project involves taking pictures and you all know I love doing take one or more a day and then on Sunday post your weeks worth of pictures for an entire year!  Well....Ole Have Camera Will Travel Here has been on a tear this week.  I have been snapping pictures like mad and loving every minute of it!  I hope you will visit me every Sunday and see what I have been up to during the week.  Here goes this week and I hope you enjoy them.
Normally my Sunday would have been about something we did at church.....but it snowed here and we have a number of people who would have had trouble getting to we called it off.  The funny thing is that my cherished hubby, Frank, did not have to preach.....but I went to Wedowee First - 13 miles north...and filled the pulpit for two sermons.  This was a busy day and we had a lot to do to get ready for Winter of those things was to take our boy, Beau (the doxie) to Marian's.  On the way there I noticed a cemetary that was covered in snow and Silent Night came to mind....the line, "Sleep in heavenly peace" kept racing through my mind so on the way back I asked Frank to stop so I could take a picture.
Monday morning we got up bright and early and headed to Gatlinburg and Winter Xtreme.  We took seven of our youth and although the hour was early....we were all excited to go.  One of the first things we saw in Gatlinburg was the sun finally peaking out from behind the clouds and showing off the snow covering on the trees.  It was such a God moment and absolutely breathtaking.
Tuesday in Gatlinburg was a day filled with God and ice.  The sidewalks were so slick and people were falling down everywhere.  I am such a klutz and really nervous about walking on ice so I found areas with no ice only snow.  Inside the Village Shopping Area in downtown Gatlinburg I saw a beautiful frozen fountain and could not resist adding it to my picture collection.
On Wednesday we wrapped up Winter Xtreme and headed back to Alabama.  There was STILL snow on the ground and ice on the roads.  As we approached this tunnel I had a feeling of what Winter Xtreme had been about.....I came from the darkness into the light!  I love tunnel pictures.  There is something about seeing from one end to the other.  It reminds me of the Third Day Song about "there's a light at the end of this tunnel....for you....for you." and I so agree....every time I have been at the end...I have seen the Light!

Thursday we did things around the house because we had to go to a viewing in Montgomery in the afternoon.  We were planning to leave early enough to see my mom before going.  The distance from here to Montgomery via Auburn....or via Alex City is only a few miles and minutes.  It is nearly 2 hours both ways.  Frank worked diligently on the doll house while I did laundry and straightened up from where we had come in the night before and just dumped our belongings anywhere.  It was good to be home.
Friday was going to be a busy day.  For the past few years I have had a booth at Longleaf Antique Mall in Alex City with my friend, Mary.  Since I have moved to Roanoke it has just become a hassle to work it like it needs to be worked so I decided to drop this activity.  Since Friday was New Years Eve and the store would be closed on Saturday we had to go and get our stuff early.  We spent a little over an hour packing up my things and getting them loaded in the car and then we went searching for a barstool/higher chair for Frank.  He has been working on the doll house using a table chair and it is not high he has been standing and it has been killing his back.  We walked around Longleaf and found several stools in varying heights and sizes, padded and not padded, and then we rounded a corner and there it was, the perfect chair.
On Saturday, New Years Day, we went to the church and got the sign changed and the bulletins printed.  We came home and Frank watched football and worked on the doll house in his new chair.  I took Christmas down.  Frank and I hauled all the tubs into the house and I took each room apart one at a time.  After I finished Frank repacked the storage room and I took the dining room table a part, vacuumed the rooms, and rolled my Santa was done!  I love decorating....and I am glad when it is put away.

The church sign picture is really the very first picture I took in 2011.  The ones from Sunday through Friday are actually 2010 let the photo shoots begin.  I am looking forward to linking up with the others and checking out their photos.  Happy Photographing!


  1. Enjoyed your photos. Looking forward to joining in on the P365 this year. Blessings, SusanD

  2. I am so glad you are joining us!!! Just have fun with it and don't worry when you miss a day...just pick it up the next day!!!

    That frozen fountain was so cool. It reminded me of when we lived in IN and would go up to Lake MI in the winter...the waves would be frozen and you could walk on them...pretty cool.

    Happy New Year!

  3. I love the picture of the frozen's amazing to see water/ice stuck in time like that!

    Great 365 photos.

  4. What beautiful winter picrures!! Sometimes I forget how pretty snow can really be! Welcome to P365... look forward to getting to know you.

  5. I just love that frozen fountain!

    Hugs & love,

  6. Welcome to P365 - this is my third year and just love it - my camera is always with me. I have missed a few days here and there but not a big deal.

    Just have fun !!!

    Look forward to seeing your pics in the future.

  7. Those winterscape's are awesome!

    Just beautiful!

    Welcome to P365.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  8. Monday's Godscape WAS fantabulous...His work is AWESOME; i love that your first 2011 was the rock mills appropo...welcome to 365!!

  9. Good for you for joining! Its a lot harder than it looks ( i think) but its oh so worth it!

    Have fun! Looks like you already have this year. :)

  10. I LOVE Gatlinburg... we try to go there every year.. so I know exactly where that fountain is - & that tunnel... love that place!

    That is actually very beautiful to think of "SLeep in heavenly peace"... wow.... deep!

  11. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment! I'm excited to be participating in P365 finally. Love the frozen water fountain and I adore those sun kissed snowy trees! :)

  12. Great scenery. I loved the tunnel photo. Thanks for sharing your week with us!

    Happy New Year!

  13. I love how you started this, Have Camera Will Travel! Ha! That is so me!

  14. Great winter shots! The right chair makes all of the difference, doesn't it?
    Welcome to P365...look forward to seeing your next week!

  15. Welcome to P365! It's so much fun -- both now while you're taking photos and documenting your year, and later when you can go back and "remember" all you did/went/saw :)

    Great start too! Loved the snow photos. That fountain reminded me of something out of Narnia!


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