Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Friday, January 14, 2011

Still Magnolias Dad

Four years ago for Christmas I had black polo's, road tech crew badges and hats made for Stan, Randy, and Frank for Christmas.  We always meet at Cracker Barrel on Christmas Eve for our Still Magnolias Christmas.  It is a tradition and we really love it.  I have always struggled with what to get the guys and this particular year I had a brain storm and ordered them their new uniforms for our concerts.  While I was ordering theirs...that said Still Magnolias Road/Tech Crew, I ordered a set for my dad that said Still Magnolias Dad.  Frank came home with his new hat on from our Still Magnolias Christmas gathering and I saw the look on my dad's face when he saw that hat.  "Where is mine?" he asked.  I pulled his gift bag out of the closet and gave it to him.  The smile on his face was worth a million.  I knew I had done good.  My dad went with me to many of my concerts...especially if Frank was working.  I was the only one with a living father so he was kind of our mascot.  We all loved having him around.  He was one of our biggest fans.  About 5 months after I gave him his shirt, hat and tag...his hat disappeared.  My mom, who remember has dementia, accused me of not getting my dad a hat.  I was crushed.  I had the receipt from where I had bought it.  Nothing could persuade her that I had given him a hat at Christmas.  I had an extra Road/Tech I gave him one of those and she seemed pacified by that....although she still threw up barbs about that hat from time to time.  My dad died in October of 2009 and in March of 2010 Frank and I were at the embroidery place having some bowling shirts done.  I was having a pretty sad day and really struggling with my emotions, so I was wandering around the showroom when I rounded a corner and saw one of the sewing machines they use to do their work....there....sitting on the sewing machine....was one of the Still Magnolias hats.....and it was one with Still Magnolia Dad on it.  I cried.  Frank explained to the salesman about the hat and he told Frank that they used it as a demo hat because of the colors and script writing.  I walked out of the store with my dad's hat.  Once I got it home...I put it in my little lighted curio cabinet that holds all my worldly special goods and there it has remained.  My dad may not be with me physically today....but his hat is....and everytime I look at it I get a little hug feeling.  It is amazing where you find things.  Don't you agree?  Has anything like this ever happened to you?  If so....drop me a comment and tell me about your experience.  I would love to hear about it.  Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

I'm a single dad of 2 age 2 and 5. I find your site so interesting and helpful. I hope I have much time each day to drop by and check your site for recent post. By the way thank you for sharing this.

Mimi said...

Wow, what a special moment. Thank you for sharing the story.

Hugs & love,

Mary said...

Oh, Karen. That brought tears to my eyes. Maybe your dad was with you on that sad day, letting you know it was going to be alright.