
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 3 of Project 365-What a Crazy Week This Was!

Sara over at Make Music From Your Heart has week 3 of Project 365 up and ready to view and link here goes.  It has been a weird week.  Sara has asked for prayer for her friend Joanne who has suffered a please do that when you say your prayers tonight.
Sunday we called evening services off because severe icy weather was moving in and we did not want any of our people risking a wreck to get to church.  After the 11:00 service we went to lunch at the Hong KongKing Buffet with Tyler, Adam, Beth and Ron.  After lunch we took the boys and went to Wal-Mart to get a few supplies we thought we might know....the just in cases.  We took the boys back to Tyler's truck at the church and then rode down CR 91 so I could get a picture for my Sunday shot.  There is a house down that road that has a mill wheel, planes, and a weather mill made from tin or sheet metal in the yard and they fascinate me.  We ran by the house and I picked up a birthday present for Lyndi...she will be 17 tomorrow and her Bella was showing off her pretty sweater.

 Monday night was the BCS Championship Game and since we did not lose power and were pretty much iced in I read while Frank watched the big game on television.  A couple of my former students played for Auburn and it was exciting to see Michael Goggans name walk across the screen.  I was pulling for them to win because they were players....and because this win made Alabama the first state to have back to back BCS National Champions AND Hiesmann Trophy winners.  How cool is that.  Michaels dad is one of our assistant principals and he and several other friends were in Glendale at the game.  I am not a football fan per say.  I don't "go for" anyone as my students say.  I am a Wildcat(BRHS...not Kentucky) fan and that is about it.  I have degrees from both Auburn and Alabama...and just don't like all the rivalry stuff that goes on. 
Tuesday morning as most of you know...I attempted to go to work....but the roads between Roanoke and Alex City were closed in sections and I could not make it.  I did not get out of the house again after that....except of course to take these interesting ice pictures.  I think it is really pretty when ice freezes on the shape of a branch...or leaf.  The two bushes are in the front of my house....which by the way was frozen solid.  The last picture is what would be grass...but was more like a frozen lake in my front yard and very treacherous.

Wednesday the schools were still closed in Randolph County and we decided to cancel church because it was so cold.  I think the high that day was like 23.  Since we did not have church Frank and I decided to go and have dinner at one of our eating establishments in town....T.J. Rockers.  The restaurant is quaint and has a lot of music memorabilia all over the walls.  It isn't a Hard Rock...but it is interesting.  Frank seemed to enjoy himself that night.  He had their hot wings and that always puts a smile on his face.

Thursday night is bowling night and I just did not have time to get a picture during the day.  When we got home Thursday night I decided to use something from the house so I took a picture of a cross Frank gave me several years ago.  It is made from the timbers of the Alex City First United Methodist Church when it was remodeled.  The wood is actually from the original church.  I love it.

Every day when I drive to and from Alex City I pass this church on Hwy 22.  It is Daviston Baptist Church and I love the way that it is nestled in the trees and off the main road.  At night it is lit up....I will have to try and get it one Thursday night after bowling so you can see how pretty it is.  It reminds me of the old gospel song, "Church in the Wildwood."

Frank got real creative with our church sign this week.  I thought I would leave you all for this week with a smile.  I thought it was cute and we have already had a couple of calls from people who got a chuckle from it.  Have a blessed Sunday.  Please pray for the Bartlett family....their mom, Mrs. Laura passed away this morning.   


  1. You named the dog Bella!!! LOL! So darling.

    LOVE the church sign!!

    Great pics this week!

  2. Auburn's MVP, Michael Dyer, graduated with my son last year!!! So we were excited to see how well he did!!!

  3. That is a very lovely church.
    Had to smile at your church sign :)
    Not missing the cold, snow or ice AT ALL, although I wouldn't mind if the heat wave we're having broke just a wee bit -- it was 90º at 7 am.

    Have a great week!

  4. WAR EAGLE! So glad Auburn won!
    I love seeing the old white churches. Guess that's obvious since I have on on my header! :D

  5. Hahaha, the church sign is great! And your dog is adorable. :-)

  6. That cross is just gorgeous!

    Hugs & love,

  7. my daddy was from randoph county, alabama...i grew up reading copies of my grand daddy's Randolph Press news papers...
    Congrats, Auburn! (even though i'm a bama fan and my daughter is going there now...) go, SEC!
    do you know Betty and Ed Grooms? If you do, send me a message.
    GREAT pics :)

  8. What a cute puppy! Yep, you guys look as cold as we have been - brr! Love the church sign :)

  9. Loved all the pictures and the stories that go along with it! The BonJovi sign "slippery when wet" was appropriate for the week! And the frozen grass!!! You're looked more like a frozen lake!

    Glad you stayed safe and warm!

  10. love the church sign and your dog Bella

  11. Love the sign, that's cute! So is the little dog.

  12. It's good to memorialize those items that bring us so many memories, like your special cross.

    All little dogs I know are named Bella. Maybe small is beautiful. I like that ;)

  13. That church sign is hilarious!!!! I havent seen that before!

    The cross is beautiful...

    Look at your doggie in that sweater... so adorable!

    I love little churches tucked away... so Thomas Kincade! :)


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